Louise's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Straight hair is trendy and stylish The art of hair straightening is not new but it has been around for a long time. It seems to us that whether we are a curly haired woman longing for sleek, straight locks, or a straight-haired girl wanting to go even straighter, we are never satisfy with ... http://www.articleheaven.net/straight-hair-is-trendy-and-stylish-1188176.html 20th October 2009 Hairstyles-pay attention to style factors Your hairdo will reflect who you are and what you think of yourselves. Therefore it is just one of the important things you should consider in building your image. Making a decision to follow the same hairstyle that your favorite celebrity is wearing mig... http://www.articleheaven.net/hairstylespay-attention-to-style-factors-1183177.html 16th October 2009 CHI hair straightener-perfect hair and loads of style await While women used clothes irons to straighten their hair in the past that was highly risky, today you are much smarter about hair care, and so you are shopping for flat irons. Create your trendy hairstyles with the professional choice of flat irons, cerami... http://www.articleheaven.net/chi-hair-straightenerperfect-hair-and-loads-of-style-await-1177087.html 15th October 2009 Proper hair care can prevent some alarming problems of hair Hair care is one of the important parts of our health care. In the present day we can see the rate of pollution in our environment. Not only environment but other facts like sweat, dandruff problem, dirtiness of hair, skin diseases of hair everything can ... http://www.articleheaven.net/proper-hair-care-can-prevent-some-alarming-problems-of-hair-1156215.html 06th October 2009 Sun damage protection and hair care during summers Like the winters our hair also needs protection from the heat and the UV rays of the summer sun. This is essential for our hair as the summer sun may cause a lot of damage to our hair and may leave a permanent effect on our hair. Therefore during the summ... http://www.articleheaven.net/sun-damage-protection-and-hair-care-during-summers-1076241.html 10th September 2009 Way to have a good hair day for men You may be of classic type or may be a dude of trendiest and latest fashion. Hairstyles and fashions of hair cut and decor are definitely a part of your personal fashion sense and styling sense. It can not be complete without that thing. For any kind of s... http://www.articleheaven.net/way-to-have-a-good-hair-day-for-men-1075458.html 10th September 2009 A short tour from the history to the modern age of hair irons The hair straighteners or the curling irons are one of the most newly added items in the world of hair styling tools. History says that the tradition is not much older than a couple of centuries. If we have a look in search of its origin it is found that ... http://www.articleheaven.net/a-short-tour-from-the-history-to-the-modern-age-of-hair-irons-1070971.html 07th September 2009 A stylish hairstyle for your curly hair Hairstyle is something that should be suitable for your face cutting and personal style statement. There are number of face cuttings like diamond face cutting, pear shaped face, heart shaped face, rectangular face cutting, round face and also oval face. E... http://www.articleheaven.net/a-stylish-hairstyle-for-your-curly-hair-1064750.html 03rd September 2009 Make your concepts clear before having a haircut Styling up the hair in the latest fashion trend has become the leading concern of the men of this age. Men also have started paying a lot of attention and concern about their hair styling and haircut for giving a better look to their appearance. Wearing a... http://www.articleheaven.net/make-your-concepts-clear-before-having-a-haircut-1058936.html 31st August 2009 Gorgeous styling with long hairstyle For long hair there is not only a common hairstyle called braid. You can make your braid fashionable and stylish with your practice and by our guidance. One if this type of stylish hairstyle is draped chignon. This is elegant and at the same time perfect ... http://www.articleheaven.net/gorgeous-styling-with-long-hairstyle-1034427.html 13th August 2009 Some things that you should not do with your hair on your wedding day To make your wedding make up perfect you need to follow one simple thing and that is do not ignore your hairdo of the day and think about it before the last moment. A beautiful hairdo is equally vital for making your wedding day special as you surely want... http://www.articleheaven.net/some-things-that-you-should-not-do-with-your-hair-on-your-wedding-day-1011300.html 01st August 2009 Hair Straighteners - what should you know Simply enjoying and focusing the fact that hair straighteners can straighten your unwanted curls or waves, you may face grave hair problems in the end. So, it is essential that you know the downside of hair straighteners as well. You should also know how ... http://www.articleheaven.net/hair-straighteners--what-should-you-know-991723.html 20th July 2009 General view on the styles of short hair With your short haircut you can flaunt several of styles, which are versatile like your long hair. So it is proven wrong that only long hair can be made looking great. When you are going to a party or you are heading for your office then you can flaunt al... http://www.articleheaven.net/general-view-on-the-styles-of-short-hair-977670.html 12th July 2009 Causes for the headache of hair fall Losing the hair is the most common problem, which gives a severe headache to all women. Nobody exactly wants to lose hair as. Therefore it becomes to take good care to prevent losing it. It is natural to lose 50-100 strands of hair each day, but if this r... http://www.articleheaven.net/causes-for-the-headache-of-hair-fall-974015.html 09th July 2009 Lets have something more on short and sexy hair cut Here we will discuss about some short hairstyles. But before discussing about that it is important to know how the look can be achieved. What are the techniques and styling tools that are used or required for getting the described look? Today's styling pr... http://www.articleheaven.net/lets-have-something-more-on-short-and-sexy-hair-cut-972714.html 09th July 2009 Styling up your hair with hair straighteners in safety With the growing advancements of latest technologies has enabled the world of hair styling to gain new heights. And one of the newest additions to the hair styling technology are the hair styling tools like hair straighteners, curling irons and hair irons... http://www.articleheaven.net/styling-up-your-hair-with-hair-straighteners-in-safety-963446.html 02nd July 2009 Hair styling tools can benefit in your hair styling venture It was never as easy as it is today to follow the fashion statement of the celebrities or style icon except to praise their beauty. It was limited only to our dream and seeing ourselves in the same position walking on the red carpet with several people, l... http://www.articleheaven.net/hair-styling-tools-can-benefit-in-your-hair-styling-venture-954005.html 28th June 2009 Some Advantageous merits of short hairstyle Women are afraid of cutting their long locks and think hat their transformation from long to short hair will be something disapproving and devoid of feminine look. But this is not true. Your short haircut and hairstyle can be equally feminine and beautifu... http://www.articleheaven.net/some-advantageous-merits-of-short-hairstyle-942097.html 18th June 2009 Hair straightener - avoid damages to your hair Present generation fashion conscious women appreciate straight hair looks mostly and they can achieve the same with so many different types of hair straightener available on the market. The concept of straight hair is not new but old and that too was achi... http://www.articleheaven.net/hair-straightener--avoid-damages-to-your-hair-940168.html 17th June 2009 Some methods to take care of your dandruff problem Dandruff problem is a common but difficult problem of our hair. Both women and men suffer from this problem. But we do not take this problem very seriously as it is quite familiar to us. In winter season this takes its maximum toll but in summer it makes ... http://www.articleheaven.net/some-methods-to-take-care-of-your-dandruff-problem-928238.html 11th June 2009 Hair styling tools causes damage - wipe out the mist It is saddening to know that people especially women are living with misconceptions regarding their hair styling tools. When asked why they saved their hair styling tools for special occasions says that they afraid that frequent use of their tools may dam... http://www.articleheaven.net/hair-styling-tools-causes-damage--wipe-out-the-mist-923720.html 10th June 2009 Lets have some more secrets of straight hair Now it is no more secrets how to have a straight hair. It has become a most happening topic around the corner. Hair straightener iron can change your curly unruly hair into straight hair. Hair straightener like Ghd hair straightener has catalyzed this pro... http://www.articleheaven.net/lets-have-some-more-secrets-of-straight-hair-874312.html 01st May 2009 Styling up in the fashion of side hairstyles Now a day it is seen that side hairdo and its variations are becoming more famous and popular. Celebrities like Katie Holmes, Amy Adams, Charrie Underwood, Julianne Hough and Paula Abdul are preferring side hairdos. Amy's gorgeous red colored hair with a ... http://www.articleheaven.net/styling-up-in-the-fashion-of-side-hairstyles-869283.html 27th April 2009 Some facts about CHI products Are you fed up with your unmanageable curly hairs? It is long since men first tried to fight with this problem. Now the development of science and technology has risen to such an extent that it has become a child's play to manage or straighten your hair. ... http://www.articleheaven.net/some-facts-about-chi-products-866803.html 23rd April 2009 GHD salon styler IV and its pros Hair straightner is usually used for straightening the hair, for creating curls on hair, which is otherwise straight or not so much curly. Hair straightners have made it easy for people to have different types of hair textures and applying different kinds... http://www.articleheaven.net/ghd-salon-styler-iv-and-its-pros-864784.html 17th April 2009 The story of hair straighteners One of the most popular hair styling tools used by most of the peoples these days is a hair straightener. In the most common way this hair styling tool is used for the purpose of straightening your curly unmanageable hair with the help of heat technique. ... http://www.articleheaven.net/the-story-of-hair-straighteners-857708.html 15th April 2009 CHI hair straightener – Use it to believe it Owing to its versatility and easiness of use the CHI, hair straightener is mull over probably the most advanced manufactured goods of the kind on the market. In few words, it can be said that this is the first step to complete hair straightening. It is no... http://www.articleheaven.net/chi-hair-straightener--use-it-to-believe-it-857628.html 15th April 2009 Hair Straighteners for men It is nice to see that men have also started taking care of their importance. Earlier some kind of stigma kept them away to take care of their looks. They thought that all these beauty products are only meant for men and taking care of skin, face and hair... http://www.articleheaven.net/hair-straighteners-for-men-857281.html 15th April 2009