Promotional Marketing in a Bad Economy!

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You don't need to turn on the TV or the radio these days to know how important every dollar is. More than ever, people are comparison shopping, using coupons, and checking out online ads to determine the best deal. It doesn't matter if you are looking for a new pair of shoes, a minivan, or a home. Everyone knows the value of the dollar and is careful to spend only what they can afford due to the current economic conditions.

The story is the same in business. So many companies have been forced to make cuts, to curb spending, and to find the best value for bringing in new business opportunities. Competition is still heavy. Companies still need to market themselves. But there's a proverbial flip side to this. How does a company cut down on expenses yet still spend money to find business? And what are the best ways to land new business and to get a corporate name out to the public?

You might be thinking that advertising your product or service on a TV or radio commercial is the way to go. Surprise! Commercials are typically the most expensive medium to promote a message. Sure, it's exciting to have your name broadcasted on TV screens in every home during a primetime viewing hour, but your money especially during these difficult economic times will be better spent on something that is simpler and less expensive. That less expensive medium is promotional products.

A recent study conducted by the Promotional Products Association International, entitled Effectiveness of Promotional Products as an Advertising Medium, polled over 1,000 consumers regarding promotional items that they had received within the past two years. Of those 1,000 people, 89 percent remembered the name of the advertiser on those promotional items. More than 89 percent! That's incredible. And 83 percent of those individuals surveyed said they liked receiving promotional items.

Now, how many people do you know will actively admit to liking TV or radio commercials? Usually, people suffer through TV commercials until their favorite show goes back on or else they use that time of endless ads for cars, insurance, the latest burger fad, and chain store to go and grab a snack out of the fridge or take a bathroom break. Ever hear of anyone say that they were thrilled to see billboards? Of course you haven't. But to know that so many people like to receive promotional items and remember which company gave them those products... well, that seems like a great place to focus your advertising greenbacks.

The great thing about promotional items is that there is such a wide array of products to choose from. From the simple like pens, travel mugs, and umbrellas to the more sophisticated like clocks, gift baskets, and computer totes, the possibilities really are endless. An organization can always find something that fits within its budget that truly markets its corporate message. And promotional products really allow you to get creative. With radio and TV mediums, your marketing dollars may buy you one or maybe two commercials that periodically hit the airwaves.

Instead you can cater to various groups of people with promotional products. Is there a big picnic or festival in your city where your company will have a table? T-shirts are always a nice gift to hand out. Reusable water bottles are another great idea especially with so many people interested in being environmentally conscious.

The point is that promotional items are very effective in reaching the masses. People like to receive promotional products. If they like the item they are receiving, chances are they will remember the corporate name which usually results in business opportunities., an online portal that offers all kind of promotional products, and promotional items including as Apparel, Computer Accessories, Corporate Gifts & Awards, Games, Toys & Fun, Travel Accessories, Shopping and many more. Visit the site now to find all products and items.

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