Husqvarna Viking Sewing Machine: The Total Review

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The cadillac of sewing machines is without a doubt a Husqvarna Viking sewing machine. You can expect these machines to do everything you would expect from any other sewing machine, such as hemming and application of designs on fabric, but they also do so much more. Even the most accomplished seamstress will be delighted with the state of the art capabilities of these unique sewing machines.

Husqvarna Viking sewing machines come equipped with the ability to connect to your laptop or PC which will allow you to download hundreds of designs and stitches, in addition to the ones which are already part of the machines themselves.

One of the most fascinating features of a Husqvarna Viking sewing machine is the wide touch controlled screen which is brilliantly lit and which will allow you to visualize your embroidery project prior to starting to sew. Most of the Husqvarna sewing machines can actually do embroidery in 3D!

One of the giants in the industry, Husqvarna Viking stands by their reputation for quality and excellence. The company hails from Sweden, where their machines have been manufactured since 1872. This company is an unstoppable giant leading the sewing machine industry.

Husqvara Viking introduced the world to many new inventions. The bobbin, which oscillates, is a feature that won over the industry for more than 50 years. This is also the company that, in 1947, gave the sewing world its premier "free arm" machine, which enchanced the opportunities for exciting new technologies in sewing. The sewing machine that was produced by the company in 1960 came with settings coded in colors, and a means to sew elastic stitches by feeding them through an automatic system.

by the last 1970's the company introduced a mini-computer to assist the sewer with stitching patterns. But it was not until 1980 that Husqvarna finally released the first sewing machines that could sew letters. Over the past 20 years this is the company that has given the industry increasingly clever innovations. the year 2004 was proudly celebrated by husqvarna for marking the 25th anniversary of its computerized machine and the 10th anniversary of its embrodery machine.

If you see sewing as a form of art you will be satisfied with a Husqvarna Viking sewing machine. The biggest problem might easily be how to choose from the more than 20 sewing machines which are available, as they each have their own special features.

If you are looking for a sewing machine that is easy to use but sophisticated, an excellent choice might be the E20 model. This sewing machine will delight newbies, and comes with 32 stitches that will make learning easy. The machine provides a one-step buttonhole and allows the user to make the sizes of the stitches as long or wide as may be desired. The Husqvarna website is also extremely informative, and provides instructions for stitching items like a party-dress, a hat or even a coat.

But if you are already accomplished in the use of sewing machines, you will be thrilled with the Designer Diamond machine which is currently on the market by Husqvarna Viking. This machine is aptly named because it is the crown jewel in the sewing machine industry. Choose with confidence from any of the Husqvarna Viking sewing machines. This is the company to trust in the sewing and embrodery industry!

If you're looking for reviews and information on the Husqvarna Viking Sewing Machine, visit my website at, I'll even let you in on a little secret: Where you can get them for cheaper than anywhere else on the internet ;) Good luck, and thanks again for reading!

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