Ways to Become Green at Your Office

By: bizman2008 | Posted: 09th April 2009

Companies that go ‘green' and contribute to an eco-friendly planet need a standing ovation for their environmental efforts. Now that our earth is heading towards a disturbing global warming trend, now is the best time to take a stand and be a ‘green-oriented' company.

Acidgreen is one of several firms that contribute to saving the planet. Here are some of their helpful tips on keeping an eco-friendly work place.

Choose to Carbon Offset
Acidgreen partnered with carbonfound.org to reduce carbon emissions. Choose to engage in carbon-reducing projects such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, and reforestation projects.

Go for Green Website Hosting
Australia's ‘greenest' hosting company, Digital Pacific has committed to have quarterly reviews of its carbon usage - from daily operation, maintenance of hosting servers, to routers, and air conditioners. The company purchases carbon credits to cover a hundred percent of its review estimates. After that, an equivalent amount of energy is returned back into the electricity grid from wind or solar power. So go for a green website hosting for your website needs.

Encourage Eco Friendly Print Graphic Design
In all your graphic design needs, it is best to opt for 100% post-consumer recycled paper stock. There is a ‘green paper range' program in Australia where part of your money will be donated to plant a tree. The goal is to target planting 10, 000 trees. Included in the financial contribution is the maintenance of each tree planted to ensure survival.

Entertain Email Marketing
Email marketing is one of the most effective means of communicating your message, your brand on the web. Instead of using paper cut from trees for correspondence, choose to implement email marketing to connect with your market, business partners, and colleagues. This is one of the best ways to reduce carbon emissions used in paper printing - plus you are saving trees!

These are just some reliable ways of reducing carbon emission, saving trees, and all in all saving the environment. That's being eco friendly in the office. With drastic climate changes experienced by human beings, this is the right time to become ‘green' at your office.
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Tags: hosting servers, paper stock, electricity grid, energy efficiency, market business, carbon emissions, paper printing, saving the planet, carbon emission