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Articles, tagged with "saving the planet", page 1

23rd May 2011

How to Save the Stars with Dark Sky Compliance

Welcome to the 21st Century, folks. With almost 7 billion people enjoying the fruits of this planet (and all the lighting technology that comes with it), things are starting to get a little too... bright. Which is why leading environmentalists and astrono...

12th May 2011

Benefits of GPS Fleet Tracking System

henever we move on the road GPS plays an important role in defining where we are heading, and same goes for the recognizing of locations. GPS stands for global positioning system which is defined as space-based global navigation satellite system that offe...

09th May 2011

Give Energy Saving the Green Light

I'm sure you're aware that there's more that we can all do for the environment, and if it helps us to save some money at the same time, then that's going to be even better; isn't it? Of course, most of the green options that you can take are going to s...

05th May 2011

Going Green Is A Lot Better Than Most People Think

The problem of global warming has prompted a lot of people to start doubling their campaigns to save the planet. The problem is that almost all people think that it is overly time consuming or even costly to start living green. In this article, we will ta...

17th March 2011

Farmlands as Source of Renewable Energy

If you are a farmer, it may be a really good idea to allow commercial wind turbine company from Minnesota to come in and erect their turbines on your property. Each large wind turbine needs to have a certain amount of space around it for safety purposes, ...

16th March 2011

Making Recycling a Spare Time Activity

Recycling just isn't as difficult as you may think. Additionally it is not only a blue pail sitting right in front of your door. Though you can't say everyone is a tree hugger, trying to recycle is a big thing in saving the planet and it can also help sav...

12th January 2011

Clean Energy At Micro Level

There is so much talk on clean energy today and about saving the planet from carbon footprints. However, most of the talks that are happening today on clean energy is happening only at the macro level. Many people even doubt whether clean energy productio...

09th December 2010

Green Trading For a Better Environment

Green Traders Global is an online trading site that allows members to trade give away and receive items for free that are of a green nature. Green Trading is the ultimate solution for promoting environmental conservation, by reducing landfill and reducing...

03rd June 2010

Newsflash - Volcano Causes Cow Flatulence-Part 1

A source tells me that the Icelandic volcano eruption that has been spewing ash and inconvenience all over Europe lately has negated every single effort we have made over the last half a decade to control the dreaded CO2 emissions that are CHOKING OUR PLA...

30th May 2010

Recycled Paper Printing – Preventing the earth from Deforestation

People are switching to Green Printing with the aim of eliminating the use of papers that is done by cutting down of trees in the forest. As you know that there has been a very rapid change in the environment and you can feel the effects of global warming...

14th May 2010

Clean Energy Through Solar Heating Tubes

Clean energy has become responsible and profitable alternative for business enterprises and real estate owners the world over. With the growing concern about pollution and the effects of global warming gaining more acceptance in the last decades; the nee...

22nd April 2010

Conning the Climate and Palm Oil

History is replete with examples of scams and con schemes on a scale that makes dizzying reading: the Ponzi scheme, the South Sea Bubble and the Dutch tulip scandal of 1637, just to mention three. Lately, investment bankers are moving on to an area of ...

01st February 2010

Businesses - Recycle Cell Phones, Do The Right Thing, And Save A Few Bucks At The Same Time

During these tumultuous economic times, most businesses are concerned about their bottom line more than anything else. That is understandable since businesses are supposed to make a profit so they can do things like pay their employees, for instance. But ...

12th August 2009

Fighting Global Warming

There are multiple lists of tips on how to reduce global warming. Many of these tips are really common knowledge now and even before saving the planet was cool, some of these tips were presented as ways to save money. Tips such as weatherizing your home, ...

09th April 2009

Ways to Become Green at Your Office

Companies that go ‘green' and contribute to an eco-friendly planet need a standing ovation for their environmental efforts. Now that our earth is heading towards a disturbing global warming trend, now is the best time to take a stand and be a ‘green-o...

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