Give Energy Saving the Green Light

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I'm sure you're aware that there's more that we can all do for the environment, and if it helps us to save some money at the same time, then that's going to be even better; isn't it?

Of course, most of the green options that you can take are going to save you money, in the long run, but if you're suffering right now from a lack of finances, then buying an expensive wind turbine, or several solar panels, isn't going to help your situation much; after all, you're paying a lot of money up front, in the hopes of a return down the line.

So, what's the cheapest and easiest way to start saving the planet, and reducing those money draining energy bills? Simple; start out with some energy efficient lighting.

Although that might not sound like it's going to save a vast sum of money, it really does when you break it down. The lights last longer than the normal bulbs you're using, meaning you save money by not constantly replacing them, and they use far less power.

There have been energy efficient light bulbs on the market for a number of years now, and they do a great job, but, if you want to make the most of switching from conventional bulbs to energy saving bulbs, then you really should be making the move to LED bulbs.

What makes them so much better than conventional blubs? To start with, they're going last you anything up to 50 thousand hours longer; secondly, seeing they're LED's, and only using 3 to 9 watts, you're going to spend 50 to 90% less to run them. Just imagine it; you'd be able to power them with a small solar panel, which will save you money to start with.

Ok, that's all well and good, you may be ready to go out and buy your new LED bulbs right now, but which are the best bulbs for you to get? For most people the par 20 LED light bulb and mr16 LED bulbs are the best place to start.

The par 20 LED light bulb and mr16 LED bulbs are some of the most effective, and efficient LED bulbs that you can get; they aren't too expensive, and you'll begin to see the difference in your electricity bills in little to no time.

Just think about it; you'll have a modern way to save electricity; they can be recycled with ease, unlike some lighting on the market; they don't have to be replaced as often as conventional light bulb; and they don't have the hum of fluorescent lighting, which can be reason enough for many people to make the switch.

A vast amount of electricity is being produced solely to power domestic lighting, and, in the majority of countries around the world, that electricity is being generated through toxin producing coal powered plants; and that certainly isn't helping to make the planet greener.

So, before you switch on another light, and just leave it burning when there's nobody in the room; before you decide that there's nothing you can do to make a difference to the climate; and before you think that there's no way you can cut back on your power bills, without cutting back on the things you can do around the home, or, without going for one of the more expensive power generating options; check out, and discover that it really is easy to be green.

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