Japanese Disaster

By: AKRAM SAQIB | Posted: 28th March 2011

A fragile and brittle thing smashed against the wall breaks into fewer pieces than the homes struck by tsunami. The material losses aside the human tragedy is the worst and irreparable loss for Japan. How precious people would have departed in the earthquake followed by tsunami. Heart weeps whiles eyes have dried. Only in Higashimatsushima City, in Miyagi military has estimated more than ten thousand deaths.
It is pity that we always think in material terms. The loss of property may be retrieved but the loss of life is irrevocable. Those who have passed would never meet their near and dear ones. But perhaps it is life which makes us to take care of the living. The earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 and Tsunami in Japan are topics to write on from a different angle. It is a natural catastrophe and irrevocable tragedy for a peaceful and hard working nation. If we take a look on the aid and other helping activities during and after natural disasters we find that Japan has always been in forefront in helping the homeless hunger stricken refugees and shelter less human beings. The Japanese share in normal conditions is not less than in others. In all kinds of funds and support to international institutions Japan has always been in forefront. Now it is the turn of the world to stand by this gentle nation in the hour of grief.
The losses are irreparable especially those of lives. But we can share the burden of the helping hand of the world by just raising voice to help the tsunami victims. The insurance companies fear bankruptcy. Insurance losses are 9 billion pounds to 22 billion pounds according to AIR. It is second to the damages done by the hurricane Katrina in New Orleans America. Some other resources are estimating the insurance. It is one of the costliest disasters so far in the human history. These are preliminary estimates; the factual losses would be higher.
The thing which is more devastating is the damage to the nuclear reactors. There are 55 nuclear plants few f them has burned. It is said that Japan is quake prone country. Special caution is needed for the safety of these nuclear plants to see the bigger disaster than tsunami in the future. It is contaminating the atmosphere. The radiations would destroy the whole eco system of the region. The overall estimated losses are $170billion which is more than 3 % of the GDP of the country. Refineries power plants and ports have shut and major manufacturing companies as Honda Toyota have closed factories. Prices of gas and electricity are increasing which means price hike as a general.
There are some apprehensions about the nuclear reactors of Japan. Two of the 55 nuclear reactors have been reported melted down. In this emergency situation, the Japanese authority would not be able to give full attention to this problem but they should keep it in mind .The point to worry is that the Japanese economic woes might ruin the global economy.
There was plunder after the hurricane Katrina in US but no such incident has been reported in Japan. Japanese are a brave and sober nation. They know how to fight such disasters. They have started process of recovery very soon. It is an emblem of a living nation that the survivors are ready to take the onus on their shoulders. The supermarkets have announced cut in prices of commodities Schools and other educational institutions are opened to normalize the minds of the young generation. Farmers are returning to farms and other workers are ready to go to their jobs very soon. ‘When will we stop putting a Price tag on Life and on those that are suffering? Why does money rule?
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Tags: human history, forefront, insurance companies, helping hand, natural disasters, hurricane katrina, nuclear reactors