Postcard Marketing Tips

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Postcard marketing is still a great way of marketing a business, despite almost everything being online. A properly planned and executed direct mail campaign can yield exceptional results if done properly, which is why it's still a growth industry. We all know the goal of marketing, direct or otherwise is to generate new business. However, there has to be specific goals within that to be truly effective.

For example, are you releasing a new product, website, offer or store? What is the specific aim of this postcard? This question will frame the pitch of the message the card carries, and will influence the intended audience. Getting the right message to the right people is the holy grail as far as direct mail is concerned. If you don't want to waste money, spend time thinking about this audience and what you would want to see or hear in their place.

Once you have the audience and message in mind it's time to word the postcard. You have limited space so it's important to take your time and think it through. Every marketing message has to have an offer and a call to action. Both are designed to generate interest in your proposition and encourage them to contact you.

The design is also important, and it's well worth getting a professional to design it for you. It's important that the postcard is attractive or eye-catching to get the prospect to look at it. Space is limited though, so there needs to be a design that draws the eye but doesn't take up too much space, or can have text integrated into it. A design that provokes a positive feeling in recipients is far more likely to get a response that if it generated a neutral or negative one.

Once the design is complete, it's time to get it printed. Some business prefer to do it themselves, some distributors will do it for you, or you could use a professional printer. Whichever way you do it, ensure the job is half decent. Going back to creating a good impressions, the quality of the stock and the printing will have a bearing on how the postcard is received. You don't have to spend hundreds of pounds, but don't go for the cheapest either, unless you know they're good.

Direct mail is all about targeting your audience. Using an up-to-date opt-in list or using the services of a list broker will ensure your postcard gets to the right people. If you can bring all these elements together then the postcard should pay dividends. Marketing is an endless loop that requires significant investments in time, effort and money. A direct mail campaign doesn't have to cost the earth, but neither should you scrimp on the important elements of it. If you aren't the creative type, get someone to design it for you, then employ a professional direct mail company to distribute it.

James Mark is an author of Holborn Direct mail, One of the best Direct Mail Company. He is writing articles on Direct Mail, since long time.

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