Paranormal Activity 2 rules box office worldwide

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There is a theory displayed around people that these days nothing could scare us. We have seen so many awful things on television, in real life, in the motion pictures, so now nothing could surprise us and make feel shudders. Admitting to this theory, the scary games are not terrifying enough; the horror motion pictures are more humorous than very surprising or fearful, by this time we are prepared for the things that could be in some way seen on TV, our threshold stimulus is much lower then it used to be… It could be like that but the reality that the second part of the movie Paranormal Activity earned strong $63 million in three days, from the first day of its premiere, tells us that however there are some things that could make us frightened or the director of this movie has made something unseen and untold before so he got all the respect. This movie is now showing in only half a dozen countries outside of North America including the United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico and Russia, and it will be released in over 30 countries in the next two weeks. Paranormal Activity 2 has the finest ranking appearance for a horror film, grabbing the ownership from last year's Friday the 13th.

The first part of this starless movie appeared last year. This movie, produced independently was shot for less than $15,000 but earned almost $108 million at the U.S. box office and $194 million common and soon Paramount pictures obtain it for spreading from its independent producers.

Paranormal Activity speaks about young husband and wife haunted by a supernatural manifestation in their apartment. This isn’t something new but the amusing part is that the movie is presented in the style of "found footage" - category of filmmaking in which the movie or a part of it is presented as an adapt of recovered footage, often left behind by missing or dead protagonists. Katie and Micah set up a camera in trial to capture what is haunting them, and the movie has a concept as a documentary - style thriller. The second part of the movie has all the ominous elements of the previous but now the victims are members of the extended family – the life of Katie's sister and her newly born baby is being threatened by the “unseen”. The sisters bear in mind the appearing from their childhood but Kristi's husband doesn’t believe anything about that… In this part the number of tools used to detect the rare occurrence is bigger.

The analysts believe that the accomplishment is due to the fact that these motion pictures are being scary and chilling but they appeal to public that doesn’t usually watch horrors. They don’t show awfully bloodthirsty scenes;” the monster success provided an antidote, a taste of something designed to spook without assault.”

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