Obama Tour: The United States, Christianity and History Insulted

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Bowing to the King of a Muslim Nation, Proclaiming America is not a Christian nation while in Turkey and romping through Europe apologizing for arrogant Americans, Obama returns to an insulted and belittled nation. Will we get an apology? Not likely!

Liberal historians and secular academicians in the U.S. may have of late been able to re-write history and plug it to a generation that is graduating from high school with fifth grade reading skills. They have not been allowed to erase the voluminous works of U.S. history archived and protected so far by law. That history defies, denies and decries the lie that America is not a Christian nation.

It is those revered documents that when contrasted to Mr. Obama’s rhetoric in Turkey before the public and President Abdullah Gul that tend to leave a sick feeling in the stomach and a feeling of betrayal in the heart.

Mr. Obama said ““Although…we have a large Christian population, we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, or a Jewish nation, or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values.”

The only way to mitigate the outrageous statement made by the President is the consideration that he may have missed American History 101 while attending Muslim Madrassah schools in Kenya, or Indonesia.

With over three fourths of Americans claiming to be Christian and a landscape dotted with Catholic cathedrals and Christian churches from rural to urban America we have only to wonder if the President was speaking about another America as he toured the world.

Perhaps, Barack has decided that his popularity is a mandate to proclaim that there is another America. With a touch of magic liberal progressive stardust to sprinkle on the minds of those who can’t tell the difference between a reality TV series and a deadly national political shift toward socialism Obama gets applause and reality gets the boot.

Obama says that America has been arrogant. But here is arrogance. Obama says it; liberals believe it and that settles it, history, prolific Christianity, historical records and national pride notwithstanding.

Here is arrogance. That no commitments were made by any nation in the world to send combatants to Afghanistan but in America a commitment was made of continued presidential support for an army of medical professionals who are standing by to suck the life blood out of unborn babies at the rate of 4000 a day. Here is an army we can be proud of.

Here is arrogance. A wife who is not proud of America, a flag that is not worthy of a pledge, appointees to the judicial bench who think Sharia law might work in America and political appointees that openly profess and practice homosexuality. All this capped off by the latest appointee to the Presidents “faith based” initiative of an openly gay person. Glibly labeling the summarily disgusted as ‘homophobes’ and then barreling blithely down the gay agenda highway to the new world order. This is super arrogance.

Here is arrogance. Sitting at the feet of a minister who ‘damns’ America, pillaging America’s treasury and castigating CEOs for bonuses even while spending multi-millions of dollars on the most extravagant inauguration party in American history.

Here is arrogance. The obfuscation and denial of the Christian foundations of America and the predominant practice of Christianity in this country even while Obama’s own history remains in question including a fully signed birth certificate, the missing school records and the mysterious name change from Barry Soetoro to Barack Hussein Obama.

Here is arrogance. Allowing the re-writing of American history while disallowing anyone to uncover the personal history of only one man by using a team of legal experts to block school records, birth records and travel documents.

Here is the ultimate arrogance. To traverse the world garnering accolades and applause while labeling those in America as divisive and arrogant and return to carry on in business as usual. To ignore the insult to those living today and the untold millions of souls who gave their lives to defend this nation and its principles. To disregard the blood shed by Americans to deal with the scourge of fascism, communism, totalitarianism, bully-ism and megalomaniacal dictators even while Europe danced to the big bands and Nazi-ism waited in the wings.

It is safe to say that while the number is not known for sure a conservative guess would be that there are many millions who would be served and placated in some way by an apology from President Obama for the apologies that have insulted us not in one place but throughout the entire world.

The word haughty is used synonymously for the word arrogant both as the dictionary definition and in the Bible. It is often defined as pride but in many cases it is used to describe the business of putting someone down to lift your self up. It’s rarely effective because it usually results in others seeing you as condescending and deceitful. The rest of the world will have to answer the question of whether Mr. Obama is either of these things but for many Americans the question is already answered.

The Bible has a more universal answer that warrants serious attention because it is a condition usually associated with the demise of a man or an entire nation. Its usage in this particular passage has to do with the ensuing final intervention of God in the affairs of men and judgment. To wit, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.” (Isaiah 13:11)

With the unanswered questions about his past, socialistic policies to glaring to hide, a dismal voting record as a state lawmaker and his mind boggling initial policies as a President, Mr. Obama’s apologies for America’s arrogance would be better addressed by a New Testament passage spoken by Christ himself and often quoted in this ‘non-Christian’ nation known as America.

“And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye?” (Luke 6:41)

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