Non-Invasive Alternatives to Plastic Surgery

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Everyone wants to look the way they feel. At 15, you’re wishing to be 18 and off to college. At 53, you’re wishing to be 35 and rid of wrinkles. Many older women turn to plastic surgery to rejuvenate their appearance. However, plastic surgery comes with a number of risks and potential side effects. Healthy, non-invasive alternatives to plastic surgery exist to help you look the way you feel. Consider these options before turning to the more invasive surgical procedures.

Natural Alternatives to Plastic Surgery

Some basic steps can help get you back to the “you” you want to be. Try these techniques for a self-care anti-aging alternative.

Exercise. It’s the most popular piece of physical advice out there because it’s true. Exercise can make a tummy tuck unnecessary. Also, it quite simply makes you healthier, allowing your entire body to avoid such things as unnecessarily visible veins, extraneous fat and sagging skin.
Diet Nutritionally. Maintaining a nutritional diet helps tremendously with general physical health and weight loss. What you eat can account for approximately 80% of your body fat changes, so if someone continues to chow down on fast food while exercising, it’s not going to show results.

Maintain a Regular Sleep Schedule. Not getting enough sleep can age your appearance by light years. Sleep is a natural anti-aging procedure.

Anti-Aging Products

Here are a few items you should keep stocked to maintain a fresh, youthful appearance.

Sun Block. Sun damage is the most consistently harmful external force against your body. It results in wrinkles, leathery skin texture, skin discoloration and – at worst – melanoma. Halt its progress before it begins; apply sunscreen every day.
Facial Cleanser. Using just soap to wash your face can actually clog the pores and make skin oily, creating a breeding ground for bacteria and acne. Consider SkinCeuticals for your cleaning routine. SkinCeuticals uses innovative technology to enforce a natural layer of protection on your skin.

Cosmetic Dermatology Alternatives to Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic dermatology techniques tend to be minimally invasive or non-invasive, providing a quick, comfortable alternative to arduous plastic surgery procedures. Dermal fillers can serve the same purpose as lip enhancement, for example. They plump up the lips without the surgery. Thermage®, a skin tightening and contouring procedure which heats the collagen under your skin, can offer the same results as a face lift but instead of a scalpel, your Austin dermatologist uses a laser.

To further discuss these non-invasive plastic surgery alternatives, call Zimmet Vein & Dermatology today. During your initial skin consultation, Dr. Zimmet will help you decide what’s best for your skin.

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