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Member Since: 27th October 2010
No of Articles: 30
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23rd December 2010

What You Need to Know About Wastewater

In the U.S., each person uses between 75 and 100 gallons of water on a daily basis. The resulting wastewater requires proper treatment and disposal. Considering its universal nature, it’s remarkable how little most people know about wastewater. Here are s...

23rd December 2010

Wastewater Treatment: Don't Forget the Paperwork

The process of developing, designing, and constructing an on-site wastewater system involves a considerable amount of paperwork. Fortunately, your wastewater design firm will help you with that aspect throughout the process and may even be willing to assi...

30th November 2010

Why Some Schools Need On-Site Wastewater Management

While urban buildings typically have their wastewater handled by the city, those located in rural areas usually have to address the handling of their own wastewater. This applies to schools and school districts as well. Most will require an on-site sewage...

29th November 2010

How to Treat Wastewater

Wastewater treatment is an absolutely necessary step before disposing of waste and water. It reduces the threat of spreading disease and is a key component of environmental stewardship, smart growth, and energy recovery. But how does wastewater treatment ...

16th November 2010

What Can an Aesthetician Do for You?

If your skin feels uncomfortable or looks unattractive, you could use the advice of an aesthetician. An aesthetician, or esthetician, is a skin care specialist. They provide cosmetic skin care treatments which specifically treat your unique skin conditi...

16th November 2010

Lash & Brow Tinting: Make Those Eyes Pop

Eyelash and eyebrow tinting are simple, minimal adjustments which make a huge difference in your appearance. The eyes provide structure to the face, and if you use your lashes and brows to shape them correctly, they can amplify your appearance tenfold. ...

16th November 2010

Shape Your Eyes. Shape Your Face.

You’re only given one set of eyebrows, but what you make of them is completely up to you. The best way to secure consistently perfect eyebrows lies in professional treatment first, home treatment later. Professional Brow Shaping Although some cosme...

16th November 2010

Facials: Not Just for Relaxation

Many people undergo cosmetic dermatology procedures for appearance’s sake. The classic facial often gets forsaken, as it’s labeled a comfort treat, meant to relax and calm people but not to make them look better. However, facials do rejuvenate the skin ...

16th November 2010

Facial Veins: What You Need to Know

Small, visible veins trailing along the face, neck or chest can be a cosmetic frustration. Luckily, these facial veins can be treated. What Are Facial Veins? Facial veins are actually not veins at all – they’re dilated blood vessels. Facial vein...

16th November 2010

Non-Invasive Alternatives to Plastic Surgery

Everyone wants to look the way they feel. At 15, you’re wishing to be 18 and off to college. At 53, you’re wishing to be 35 and rid of wrinkles. Many older women turn to plastic surgery to rejuvenate their appearance. However, plastic surgery comes wi...

16th November 2010

The Risks of Plastic Surgery

We all want to look our best. Sometimes, that requires external assistance; to reverse the physical damage caused by sun, genetics, age and lifestyle choices, a professional’s touch goes a long way. Many people turn to plastic surgery. However, hazards...

16th November 2010

How to Choose a Dermatologist

How does one go about choosing a dermatologist? Skin health is an area you’re likely not trained in yourself, so it’s difficult to know which questions to ask, and which answers to receive. Here are a few things to consider while picking your Austin der...

16th November 2010

Peel Away Insecurity with a Chemical Peel

Tired of seeing acne, scars or wrinkles when you look in the mirror? A chemical peel rejuvenates your face, neck and hands, recreating that natural, youthful glow and lessening dermatologic blemishes. What Is a Chemical Peel? Also called derma-peel...

16th November 2010

Skin Care Products Every Bathroom Shelf Needs

To best take care of your skin, you need a small collection of skin care products in your bathroom. Here are a few products you should never be without. Good Sunscreen Sunscreen is the number one ingredient for long-term anti-aging. Sun damage aff...

16th November 2010

How to Treat Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are the unattractive and uncomfortable blue/purple veins which bulge out of the leg. Varicose veins are an incredibly common issue in the U.S., and since they can be visually unappealing and physically painful, varicose vein treatments are...