Natural Disaster Threaten Your Data

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Nature can strike quickly, fiercely, and without warning. Gentle breezes can become dangerous, howling winds of deadly force in the form of tornados and hurricanes. The soothing rain shower can quickly turn into a torrential downpour, driving flood waters that obliterate anything in the way. Powerful thunderstorms can generate an enormous amount of energy in the form of lightning, creating great power surges and spikes in electrical systems. Power outages from storms can leave entire cities literally in the dark. Natural disasters wreak havoc and destruction without mercy.

Information system components and infrastructures are not immune from the forces of Mother Nature, either. Whether it is on a traveling salesperson’s laptop or a corporate server, all data becomes endangered when disaster strikes. Additionally, personal information on home computers is at risk. Tax information, mortgage data, and photos of great-grandparents could be lost forever during a disaster. But there are steps that can be taken, however, to minimize the loss of important data.

Redundancy is the Key
The key to protecting valuable data is redundancy. File with no backups or that are stored in only one location are far more susceptible to permanent loss. An efficient and effective backup system or routine will help ensure the ongoing operation of a business. There are several options, each one with its strengths and weaknesses. A second hard drive in a computer is a quick and efficient means of backing up files. But the same disasters that threaten the main computer drive, such as power faults and fire damage, also put the second drive at risk. External drives can be just efficient but are easily removed from the premises for security and safekeeping. But disasters during business hours can still damage these devices.

Remote corporate servers for business or online storage for consumers will protect your data offsite, away from danger. Additionally, these files can be accessible from any computer, allowing you to get server recovery and running should your personal equipment become damaged.

A computer’s entire system can be backed up, it is of utmost importance that critical, irreplaceable files are saved. Computers, operating systems, and software programs can be easily replaced. The outputted data from these programs is hard to re-create at best. Therefore, whatever backup system is chosen, it must be used to be effective.

When All Else Fails
You may need the services of a professional data recovery service in extreme situations. The “road warrior” may need to call on a notebook data recovery specialist. The business owner might need assistance in server recovery to get back to work. Data can often be retrieved from damaged systems. Furthermore, a quality service can help you migrate your data onto a new system, if necessary.

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