Mane And Tail Shampoo - The Real Benefits Of Using Horse Shampoo On Your Own Hair

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Mane And Tail Shampoo has a strange story, and certainly one that sets it apart from all of the other shampoos. These days it is a hugely successful shampoo used the world over by people from all walks of life - however in the beginning, it was a shampoo formulated and created specifically for horses. Most folks I've told about this find the whole thing a bit bizarre - why on earth would people want to use a horse shampoo when there are so many human shampoos available? That's why I've put together this piece - it is an attempt to demystify the situation, and show you that it isn't as strange as you might initially think, and that there are sound reasons why Mane And Tail Shampoo has become a viable alternative to human shampoo.

Contrary to whay you might think, humans have been using horse shampoos for a long time - it's not just a modern fashion. I would imagine that as soon as horse shampoos came onto the market, there would have been at least a few human owners trying it on themselves. It stands to reason. From a purely economic standpoint - when given the choice between cheap and plentiful horse shampoo or expensive human shampoo, some folks would surely have opted for the horse shampoo when they were low on funds. What is more recent, however, is the widespread use of horse shampoos in cities around the world, and the discussion of their usage in the mainstream media. This is largely due to brands such as Mane And Tail Shampoo specifically targeting their products to the human market, even getting celebrity endorsement from the likes of Sarah Jessica Parker and Jennifer Aniston. As well as being a viable cheaper alternative to human shampoo, horse shampoo offers some very credible cosmetic benefits - and I believe this is why its popularity is currently on the rise.

If we look back to the creation of Mane And Tail Shampoo - we find that the idea was to make a shampoo which would give the horse mane and tail a glossy, healthy shine with volume and bounce. This is what makes it so good for humans too, because these exact things are very desirable for human hair as well - and as luck would have it, the result of using horse shampoo on human hair is very similar. Whilst producing great results on all types of hair, horse shampoo has been shown to work well in removing knots and tangles from particularly curly hair.

Another group of people who find Mane And Tail Shampoo ideal is people with skin allergies, or just sensitive skin - because horse shampoos are mild enough not to irritate the skin at all. This is because horse shampoos lack the highly fragrant scent enhancers often put into human shampoos. Since there's no need to add artifical fragrance to horses hair, there's no need to put these in the horse shampoo. So all you find in horse shampoo are moisturizers, emollients and the cleansing ingredients themselves - with no unnecessary additives. Mane And Tail Shampoo also has a protein formula for giving real nourishment to the scalp.

For these reasons, Mane And Tail Shampoo is a very real alternative to human shampoo. To try it out right now, click to visit our Mane And Tail Shampoo Online Store today.

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