tonyw333's Articles en-us Mane And Tail Shampoo Is Great For Human Hair If Used Correctly Mane And Tail Shampoo is these days a viable beauty product for humans the world over - even though it started life as a shampoo devised to make horses' manes and tails shine with health. Mane And Tail actually isn't the only brand that has adapted their ... 20th April 2011 Mane And Tail Shampoo - The Real Benefits Of Using Horse Shampoo On Your Own Hair Mane And Tail Shampoo has a strange story, and certainly one that sets it apart from all of the other shampoos. These days it is a hugely successful shampoo used the world over by people from all walks of life - however in the beginning, it was a shampoo ... 12th April 2011 The Next Advance In Home Handicrafting - The Cricut Personal Electronic Cutter The Cricut Personal Electronic Cutter has revolutionised the world of home handicrafting over the last five years. Forget scissors and stencils, forget complicated equipment and software - the Cricut range of cutting machines is designed to automate some ... 06th April 2011