Make Money with Your Website - Build a List, Use a Sales Funnel and Monetize

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If you own a website, you should have a plan to monetize it. The theme of your
website is irrelevant too. If you're going to spend countless hours building and
maintaining a website, you should turn your website into an online cash register.

A sales funnel is designed to "funnel" prospects through a series of emails. You
get prospects to join your email list by giving them something free. As you
build a relationship with your prospects (and they trust and like you) you
recommend more and more expensive products. You start with a free product, then
move on to a $10-$20 product, and then to a $40-$100 product.

The reason you do this is because most people won't spend money (the first time
around) on a website or with a person they don't know. But if they like you and
trust you, they will gladly spend their money. Also, if you don't have a way to
stay in touch with your website visitors or have a "sales funnel" to filter them
through, you are leaving money on the table.

Let me teach you how to do that. I'll give you a hypothetical example assuming

your website theme is "Jack Russell" dogs.

Once you've created your website, you need to follow these simple steps.

1. Ad Google AdSense to Your Site: Earn extra cash by adding Google AdSense to
your site. Visit Google's home page and get your free account. Paste the HTML
code into your website and you're done. You won't get rich, but will earn some
extra cash each time someone clicks on an ad.

2. Visit Clickbank: Go to Clickbank's home page and sign up for a free affiliate
account. Find any affiliate product you can pertaining to Jack Russell dogs.
Once you find a product you like, get your own affiliate link and add the link
to your website. To promote the link on your site, you could write a product
review and insert pics of the book cover on your site.If you can't find anything
on Clickbank, do a Google search for "Jack Russell affiliate products" and see
what comes up.

3. Write a 5-10 Page Special Report about Jack Russell Dogs: Create a simple
report in Microsoft Word about Jack Russells. You could discuss nutrition,

grooming, feeding, exercising, or best places to buy a Jack Russell. Once your
report is done, convert it to PDF. You will give away this report in exchange
for your site visitors name and email.

4. Create Your Own Information Product: Use this step if you can't find any
affiliate products to promote. You could write a simple 30-50 page ebook about
Jack Russells to sell on your website. If you don't like to write, you could
have someone write it for you. If this still doesn't appeal to you, skip this

5. Get an Auto-Repsonder: Sign up with Aweber or GetResponse and get your own
auto-responder. Once you get an autoresponder, write 10-30 email messages about
Jack Russells. In each email, provide some valuable information and then make a
recommendation to purchase a product or service that pertains to the subject of
the email. If your readers enjoy your information, they might click on your link
and purchase the product. If they do, you earn a commission. Once your emails
are written and proofread, add your web form to every page on your website.

Once you follow the steps listed above, your only real objective is to drive a
ton of traffic to your site. If you don't have adequate traffic you won't make
any money. Period. You need to become a master marketer by learning video
marketing, Pay-Per-Click, Article Writing and Search Engine Optimization.

To learn more about how to do what we just discussed, Visit My Website! Charles Holmes is a successful author, entrepreneur and marketing guru.

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Occupation: Internet Marketer and Author
My name is Charles Holmes. I am the author of six books. I enjoy building websites, running, and building a network marketing business.

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