Author Details

Charles Holmes

Member Since: 11th January 2010
Occupation: Internet Marketer and Author
No of Articles: 6
About Me: My name is Charles Holmes. I am the author of six books. I enjoy building websites, running, and building a network marketing business.


04th February 2010

Make Money with Your Website - Build a List, Use a Sales Funnel and Monetize

If you own a website, you should have a plan to monetize it. The theme of your website is irrelevant too. If you're going to spend countless hours building and maintaining a website, you should turn your website into an online cash register. A sales ...

25th January 2010

Recommended Readings for MLM Professionals and Network Marketers

Reading is one of the best ways to learn new skills. If you want to learn more about how to achieve success with network marketing, you should commit yourself to reading at least 20 minutes each day. Your next goal is to find informative, informatio...

25th January 2010

Book Review: "You Call the Shots" by Cameron Johnson

Several weeks ago my wife purchased me a book at Borders bookstore titled "You Call the Shots" by Cameron Johnson. When she brought the book home I looked at the front and back cover and had very little interest in reading it. After all, I had a "st...

21st January 2010

Book Review: How to Make Money with YouTube by Brad and Debra Schepp

I just finished reading the book "How to Make Money with YouTube" by Brad and Debra Schepp. From page one, I was hooked. The book was well structured, to the point and easy to follow. The purpose of the book is to provide insightful knowledge abou...

21st January 2010

Book Review: "The Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords" by Perry Marshall

"The Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords: How to Access 100 Million People in 10 Minutes" by Perry Marshall is a phenomenal book. The book is well written, well organized and easy to follow. The information is action packed and leads you step-by-step in...

14th January 2010

Achieve Success! Follow the Time-Tested Advice in Russell Conwell's book Acres of Diamonds

When I was 25, I was first exposed to the book "Acres of Diamonds" by Russell Conwell. What I read changed the course of my life. It can do the same for you. In his book, Mr. Conwell tells a story of an ancient Persian named Ali Hafed. Mr. Hafed was ...