Machine tool industry: Green manufacturing is the direction of

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For 8 consecutive years, China has become the world's largest machine tool consumer and importer first. Due to the financial crisis, Japan, the German machine tool production have fallen sharply, and in 2009 China for the first time become the world's largest machine tool producer. How to solve the big but not strong, and speed up product "going out" pace, becoming China's machine tool industry in the future to face the important issue.

    Since the second half of 2008 financial crisis, the world economic recession, the international market demands a serious recession, China's foreign trade has encountered unprecedented difficulties. Import and Export of China's machine tool industry in the fourth quarter of 2008, there was a marked decline, attributable to the rapid early growth, the annual export growth still reached 37.1% year on year, imports increased by 4.4%. Into 2009, the amount of import and export of machine tool products are double-digit rates plummeted, the largest decline in 10 years. According to customs statistics, in 2009 total imports and exports of machine tools 14.44 billion U.S. dollars, down 25.6%. Among them, 4.74 billion U.S. dollars of total exports, down 33.5%; 9.7 billion U.S. dollars of total imports, down 21.1%; import and export deficit of 4.96 billion U.S. dollars. Can not be overlooked is that the serious and continuing decline in exports, there has not for many years of negative growth in 2009, the export share of low-value machine picked up over the previous year.

    Under the influence of the financial crisis, the developed countries have vigorously develop high and new technology, increase R & D investment, for the post-crisis era to prepare for the next round of industrial upgrading. China's recent Central Economic Work Conference was held also put forward: "To continue to implement the proactive fiscal policy and loose monetary policy appropriately. According to the new situation, new state policies focus on improving the relevance and flexibility." "To maintain appropriate growth of investment focus for completion of projects under construction, and strictly control new projects." This means that countries with limited financial resources would be used to encourage R & D of high-tech products and create a favorable energy-saving emission reduction technology, the benefit of three rural and improving people's livelihood, etc., without the expense of growth in order to protect the environment, the "two high - a capital "products will be more stringent. Copenhagen to reduce carbon emissions, both countries have a greater pressure. Some developed countries in the world to build an environmentally green barriers undoubtedly increased the difficulty of access to international markets. Pollution of the environment and high energy-consuming products or shut out, or heavily taxed by the sanctions. Therefore, the low-carbon economy, green manufacturing technology research and application of the future direction of economic development, but also the basis of products into the international market, should cause the machine tool industries and enterprises attach great importance to take appropriate measures as soon as possible.

    First of all, concerned about the focus of state investment, speed up industrial restructuring. China Machine Tool Industry Association recently conducted a number of user industries research indications, the state of aviation, automobile, railway, green energy, shipbuilding, electronics and information industry, the huge demand for investment-led market structure to high-end development. State investment in these key areas will not only deal with the financial crisis, expanding domestic demand, but also focus on the long-term development objectives of structural adjustment. This indicates that the structural adjustment in the post-financial crisis era will be the focus of the work in these industries. In particular, China in many key areas of foreign technology is also subject to blockade, and thus is bound to structural adjustment is based on the basis of independent innovation. This will bring the machine tool industry, industrial upgrading and restructuring opportunities.

    Machine tool industry should focus area of investment, in-depth understanding of user needs, increase research and development efforts for the product. Products and as soon as possible elimination of backward production capacity, to avoid vicious competition. Should be a bold attempt to "specialized, sophisticated, special" product transfer. Some enterprises have developed a high-speed railway track plate grinding machine which is to "plane" development success story. This requires us to fill the gaps there are many areas, such as: belt machine shop for aircraft, aircraft automatic drill riveting machine, textile machine needle special machine tools, the human body joints and prosthetic parts such as health care fields of processing equipment. Currently these devices rely mainly on imports, and some have even banned in China. We only based on independent innovation, to develop import substitution to meet customer needs and products in order to open new markets. Data show that in 2009 the continued growth of imports of machine tool parts, indicating that Chinese-made machine parts and components industry still can not fully meet the requirements of the host. Parts and components market growth businesses should seize the opportunity to develop new products, speed up structural adjustment.

   Secondly, by strengthening the effectiveness of the management to ensure that enterprise efficiency. According to China's Machine Tool Industry Association in October 2009 on the 80 key enterprises of the survey, new orders shortage is common, and basic than that in 2008 over the same period a decrease of 1 / 4. In addition, half of the companies suffered the user to suspend delivery or return. Trends in the market for the better in recent months, more obvious, but most business-to-market for some time to be cautiously optimistic about the prospects. By enhancing the effectiveness of enterprise management, improve its liquidity ratio, raising the input-output ratio to ensure that enterprise efficiency.

    Third, to seek a breakthrough to expand the export sector. According to the current global economic situation, the machine tool industry to maintain the traditional machine tools, tools, heavy machine tools and forming machines and other advantages of exports. For the current rapid growth of Asian markets, through the expansion of advocacy, to provide better after-sales service, batch export of high-end machine tools to achieve goals. In particular, China and the ASEAN Free Trade Area Agreement on January 1, 2010 entered into force, most merchandise trade will be zero tariff, Chinese enterprises should make use of the facilities, attention to the ASEAN market demand, strengthen the high-end machine tools exports. Overseas mergers and acquisitions of enterprises through foreign channels, a breakthrough high-end machine tools exports. In addition, it can take advantage of the Government's foreign aid projects and government loans, expansion of our industry, product and technology exports.

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