Lose Weight by Burning Fat with Food

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Amazing Fat Burning Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight

Have you found the most successful way to burn-off fat fast? There are a high number of hyped-up diet ads that gives some level of hope of rapid weight loss; which is not always all that easy. If you're looking for helpful information that is accurate, on how you can best reach your weight loss goals, then the interesting fat burning food facts in this article is something you need to know.

In recent years many dieters have discovered how eating certain foods can work better with your body to burn fat. Listed below are several fat burning, diet-friendly foods that can help fight the battle of the bulge. It's not easy to get all the right foods and then eating the right amount when dieting. The foods in this article a good starting point in choosing the best foods that help promote fat loss. Eating the right foods is vital to anyone's diet. Discovering which of those foods can help to burn body fat is KEY to being able to lose weight faster and they will also assist you in long term maintenance.

Top Ten Fat Burning Foods

1. Importance of Water: Water is the most significant nutrient that helps rid your body of any excess fat you may have. Dieters wanting better dieting results should increase the amount of pure drinking water in their dieting schedule or meal planning. When a person becomes dehydrated it will affect their bodies basic functions essential to sustain life, plus all the energy it needs additional activity and digestive processes. Dietitians recommend drinking between 6-8 glasses of water each day but even more if you are exercising or outdoors in warm weather.

2. Eggs--Not Just for Breakfast: Eggs are the perfect affordable fast food; inexpensive, rich in protein and the yolk contains vitamins A/D/E A vast majority of people worry about the cholesterol found in eggs yolks yet the truths is that, for most people the level of cholesterol in eggs does not affect them. Some of the latest studies indicate that eating whole eggs may actually result in significant improvement in one's blood lipids (cholesterol) profile.

3. Grass Fed Beef: A single serving of lean meat can be part of a healthy fat loss plan. Certain red meats such as: pork, chicken and fish contain some cholesterol and saturated fat, which is the right kind of fat needed for healthy living. They also contain healthy nutrients like protein, iron, zinc, creatine, carnosine and even omega 3 nutrients, when you eat grass-fed beef.

4. Grapefruit: Research suggests that grapefruits can help with weight loss. Grapefruit juice only holds about 90 calories per serving, with virtually no fat and less than ten percent in total carbohydrate. The grapefruit holds 20g of natural sugars and only 1g protein. If you enjoy grapefruit but think they are too tart, try sprinkling some artificial sweetener or honey on top. Eating half a grapefruit or drinking 8 ounces of grapefruit juice are said to help block any enzymes from storing fat. Grapefruits are said to speed up the way our body's burn fat.
NOTE: There are certain medications which are known to interact with the grapefruit juice, therefore, please consult your health care provider before having this fruit in any form.

5. Cod Liver Oil: The wonderful advantages of fish oil are amazing. Eating fish or taking fish oil supplements will reduce inflammation (joints/skin), reduce body fat, Omega 3 oils may help to reduce hypertension and increases testosterone levels. The level of fish oil you should have is directly related to the type of diet you are on and your current health. Don't hesitate to consult with a doctor about the proper amount you should be taking. Cod liver oil is among the best source for fish oil. One hundred grams of regular cod liver oil provides one million IU of vitamin A, which nearly three times more than beef liver. Research shows that cod liver oil has lowered blood pressure induced by stress-elevated levels of cortisolis, which is part of the adrenal gland and is usually referred to as the 'stress hormone'.

6. Green Tea: Green tea is one extraordinary beverage. Not only is it said to help prevent certain types of cancer and heart disease, but numerous research studies have also found that drinking green tea, or taking green tea supplements, will work to boost the rate your metabolism is able to burn fat. Some researchers claim you can burn up to 80 calories a day just by drinking five cups of green tea a day.

7. Fresh Salmon: Not only is it delicious, wild salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids and it is high in protein. Farm raised salmon usually is omega-3 deficient if its corn/grain fed. Whenever possible eat wild salmon to be sure you are giving your body the nutrition it needs.

8. Apples: The benefit of apples are wonderful, they are high in fiber which aids in burning fat and lowering cholesterol. Keep in mind that a lot of the goodness of apples are contained in the skin; just make sure to wash them thoroughly before eating.

9. Berries: Berries are a great source of pectin. Pectin is important while dieting because it has water binding properties that will limit the amount of fat your cells absorb. Berries are packed with vitamins and minerals, and they have some of the best sources of antioxidants of any food in existence. Berries also pack a healthy dose of fiber, which slows your carbohydrate absorption and helps to controls blood sugar levels. The health benefits many berries have can be found in the rich source of antioxidants they carry. For instance, wild blueberries are among the highest in antioxidant capacity per serving, when compared with more than 20 other fruits.

10. Benefits of Yogurt: Yogurt is low in calories and the best choice for dieters is to find products containing at least 15 percent DV (Daily Values) of calcium per 4oz serving if you do not eat any other calcium-rich foods. To better help your body lose weight, don't eat yogurts with fruits at the bottom; instead purchase plain low fat yogurt. Yogurt is actually considered a better source of calcium than a glass of milk

Eating the right foods are an important part of any weight loss program, but also keep in mind that exercise will increase good cholesterol levels (HDLs) and lower bad cholesterol levels (LDLs). Exercise combined with a healthy diet is a winning combination to burning body fat.
Rachell enjoys writing on numerous topics and believes that readers will be entertained by her distinct style of communication.

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