Lose Weight - Eliminate Late Night Binging with These Simple and Effective Tips

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Diet Binging - End it Now

Have you discovered a short-term technique to your weight loss battle? By now you realize promises of easy weight loss solutions don't really work. Possibly now, your weight battle is something you are ready to take serious. The helpful information in this article will help you to start living a healthier life today.

For nearly all of us who are trying to lose weight and battle with the constant cravings that hit us at night know, that it is not easy to resist late night temptations. It should be expected that this bad habit has got to go if you are going to reach your weight loss goals on your diet. When you start to eat during a part of the day when you're not going to do any physical activities afterwards to burn it off, you will gain weight. It is not always the time of day you eat that will cause you to have weight gain, but the type of foods you consume late at night combined with not being active. You know what your favorite junk foods are to eat late at night; cookies, ice creams, chips, and whatever else your mind says will just hit the spot at the time. Eating late at night will not give your heart the rest it needs because it has to constantly work overtime to help digest all the food you just ate.

The following 8 tips will help you be more successful in your diet, and will help you put an end to any bad eating habits that could derail your weight loss progress.

1. Stay on track by eating three healthy meals during the day but don't forget to have two or three low fat snacks between meals. Many people who want to lose weight will eat too few calories during the day and then start binging late at night. Always first eat a healthy breakfast and try to eat the majority of your calories before 7pm.

2. When the urge hits you to eat late at night, stop and instead drink 1 to 2 cups of water or a cup of tea sweeten with honey or an artificial sweetener. You will very likely still be hungry after this but remind yourself that you feel hungry late at night due to your custom of eating late or it is because your mind thinks it needs to eat again. Breaking this custom is like learning to quit smoking and takes willpower and support. Write a small message on your pantry, refrigerator or wherever else needed; include your dieting goals and in large letters write something like: No more BINGING allowed - stay on target and watch the fat fall off!

3. Stop buying your favorite junk food items and avoid late night binging by hiding all high calorie foods. Instead of eating junk food, reach for a piece of sugar-free hard candy or have a sugar-free jello.

4. Drop the late night TV habit quickly! If your favorite TV serious is on later at night, try recording it so you can watch it earlier in the evening. It is easier to start eating at night when you are sitting down watching the television. Keep physically active by working on a favorite hobby and giving in to your old habits of inactivity. Delicious looking TV food advertisements can subconsciously trigger the impulse to eat and being bored can be one of the biggest dangers to late night eating.

5. Record your Weight Loss Progress! Have a written copy of your diet plan close by, which will keep your goal of losing weight always on your mind. This will allow you to see your progress, as you begin to see your late night eating practice begin to improve and progress you make each week.

6. Keep Active and Fight Boredom! Mix up your daily routine and fight boredom! You've already decided to improve your health and lose weight; now it's totally up to you to be proactive about your late night eating habits. Did you know that on average it takes 6 weeks to break a habit and start a new one? Put some action behind beginning a new healthy lifestyle and stick to it until it is a regular pattern in your daily life. Once you see and feel the difference it makes in your health and fitness, you will be so excited and well pleased, it will be like an extra burst of energy that will help you reach your weight loss goals even faster!

7. Choose a healthy low calorie snack. You should allow yourself one special treat a week and usually having it on a predetermined day of the week will work best. Yep I said it; occasional snacks that are low in fat are okay. I enjoy low calorie snacks and my favorite treat is 1-2 scoops of sugar free butter pecan ice-cream on Sundays. Choose a favorite snack and see if you can find a low calorie or sugar free version of it. Just remember though that even if the snacks are low fat, they may be loaded full of salt! Just because the nutrition guide on back says it is low fat or is fat free doesn't mean you can eat three times as much. It's okay to enjoy it but don't let it get out of hand.

8. Get Motivated -- You Can Do This! Become enthusiastic and determined to reach your weight loss goals; you can do this and your worth it too! Since you know what your weak areas are, find ways to counter act those bad eating habits. When you feel tempted to snack late at night, remember it is your old habit speaking and don't listen to it. The next morning you can wake up and enjoy a healthy breakfast to feel encouraged and you will be even more closer to being a happier, healthier you!

Overeating at night is a constant struggle for the majority of dieters. Simply put: If you are on a diet, you WILL HAVE to put an end to any late night munchies. Many people wanting to lose weight will eat right during the day only to blow it late at night; but you can make the changes right now and win the battle of late night binging!
April enjoys writing on a wide variety subjects and hopes that readers will be informed by her distinct point of view.

To see more readings on weight loss, be sure to see the weight loss website.

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