Liposuction: A Brief but Generally Complete Overview

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You've got that one little area of your tummy that no matter how hard you work at it, that annoying little deposit of fat simply refuses to go away. Maybe you have "love handles" that are just too easy to get a grip on. Possibly, you just received that 20-year high school reunion notice in the mail that's a couple of months off--and you want to make sure you're looking good and standing out in the crowd. No matter what your reason, liposuction can help you achieve your goals.

Liposuction is a fantastic option to remove those small bulges that just won't budge and to improve your body's unique shape. The areas which are most commonly treated include the hips, the abdomen, the thighs / buttocks, and parts of the face. Liposuction removes only the fat--nothing else.

A really good candidate for liposuction, also called lipoplasty, should have realistic expectations about results of this cosmetic surgery. In addition, the best candidates are of average weight or only slightly above-average weight; have firm and elastic skin; are in good overall health and have concentrated pockets of fat which have not responded to diet and exercise.

Depending on the type of liposuction you will be undergoing, the procedure may be performed as an either outpatient procedure at the doctor's office or at a local surgery center. If large amounts of fat are being removed, most likely the procedure will be done in a hospital and just may require an overnight stay.

Prior to the procedure you will be given an anesthetic or be put to sleep. The liposuction procedure itself is performed with a suction device which is attached to a small, stainless steel instrument called a cannula. Small incisions are made and the cannula is then inserted into the fatty areas between your skin and the muscle where it sucks out excess fat either using a suction pump or a large syringe. Honestly, it sounds much worse than it really is.

After the cosmetic procedure, depending upon what part of the body was subjected to the procedure itself, you will either have the area wrapped with a material that is reminiscent of a thick wax paper, or you will be instructed to wear a binder for a specific length of time.

Because of the nature of the surgery, most insurance carriers do not pay for this cosmetic surgical procedure. The cost starts at about $3,000 and is price dependent upon your locale.

For more information on breast augmentation in San Antonio, liposuction in San Antonio, and facelift in San Antonio, it is important to find a skilled plastic surgeon near you.

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