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Articles, tagged with "realistic expectations", page 1

29th October 2012

Cosmetic surgery may give you great results

It is essential to prepare for your surgery by stocking your refrigerator with enough drinks and prepared meals to last a couple weeks after your procedure. You should avoid physical activity for four weeks after your surgery, so do not work either. Read ...

13th March 2012

Essential Camping Guidelines For Youngsters

Children in the 21st century lead dangerously sedentary lifestyles, resulting in obesity, electronic addiction, and nature deprivation. One way to get children outdoors while enjoying family togetherness is camping. Certainly, going camping with the kid...

09th December 2011

Tummy Tuck; The Decision Is Only Yours

There are many reasons why one might want to have a tummy tuck procedure done. A lot of people lose weight by diet and exercise, but are then left with excess skin that they cannot get rid of. This is where a tummy tuck comes into play. A tummy tuck helps...

17th June 2011

Liposuction: Things to Be Aware Of

There are many people out there who have issues with the structure and shape of their body and its individual parts, making aesthetic sculpting methods popular. Liposuction is the most performed treatment out of all these methods. Quite a number of people...

08th April 2011

How To Have Breasts Like The Celebrities

Are you suffering from low self-confidence because of your body appearance that is not in good proportions? Or, do you want to change the appearance of your breasts to look like your favourite celebrity? Then the solution is a breast augmentation surgery ...

31st March 2011

Dermal Fillers - As with any other surgery, you should be in good health

If you are considering dermal fillers such as Botox, Resytalene, or Juvederm, you likely know the results to expect. If you know other people who have had this treatment, it may be exciting to consider how you will look afterward. However, you first have ...

15th February 2011

Cosmetic Surgery - Benefits and Risks

What is Cosmetic Surgery? Cosmetic surgery offers individuals the choice to change and improve their appearance. Cosmetic surgery should not, however, be taken lightly. It should not be trivialized and its risks should not be underrated as often occurs...

20th January 2011

Plastic Surgery Is A Surgical Procedure

When it comes to cosmetic surgery, there is no room for mistakes. The surgery is precise and ultimately the person performing the procedure needs to have a touch that is perfect. With all forms of surgery, it is necessary for a doctor to be well educated ...

14th January 2011

5 Reasons for a Scottsdale Facelift

If you are a man or woman over the age of forty, chances are pretty high that you have wished to reverse the natural signs of aging. Since our skin begins to sag over time, it forms wrinkles and folds that simply were not there a few years ago. This can a...

14th January 2011

Astrology and its limitations

Astrology is the study of relative position and movement of celestial bodies in which predictions can be made or study can be made on events experienced by a person. So it can be said that Astrology with their celestial body study, can warn a person to up...

12th January 2011

Discount Time For Purchasing A Luggage

Finding luggage sets on clearance is one of the best ways you can save money on all of your luggage needs like rolling duffle. Clearance sales are something we think about only happening once in a blue moon but the truth is that they happen more often the...

29th December 2010

Denver Breast Augmentation And Other Procedures

Local women who are thinking about Denver breast surgery as opposed to going elsewhere should schedule a consultation with a clinic that specializes in breast enlargment. Denver Board-Certified cosmetic surgeons can also do breast reductions and other pro...

05th May 2010

Juvederm - Who is an ideal candidate?

As we age, our bodies lose fat in some of the facial areas, which actually makes the body appear older. Dark spots can appear under the eyes which aren't actually dark because you are tired, but are dark because the fat has disappeared, causing a concave ...

09th December 2009

Secrets To Sell And Retain Your Good Character Has Been Revealed Now

Is it possible to Getting more revenue while still keeping your integrity? According to e-mails I continue to read daily, the answer is a resounding "yes." Selling more, yet at the same time remaining authentic to ourselves and coming from the ri...

09th December 2009

Know The 7 Ways To Sell And Retain Your Good Character

Is it possible to Making more revenue while still keeping your integrity? According to e-mails I consistently read on a daily basis, the answer is a thunderous "yes." Selling more, yet at the same time remaining authentic to ourselves and coming fr...

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