Learning How to Treat Your Eczema & Dermatitis

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People are constantly affected by common skin problems that can range from acne vulgaris and dry skin to more severe acne and rashes. Dermatitis and eczema are two common skin problems that land somewhere in the middle.

You cannot cure any one of these skin problems but you can do several things to help treat their symptoms. Make sure that you treat them as soon as possible as they can because they can both lead to serious infections.

Dermatitis: Do You Suffer from This Skin Condition?

Dermatitis is a global term that is used to describe a group of skin problems that are characterized by inflammation and irritation. This term houses several skin conditions that are the result of some type of allergic reaction. In simpler terms, dermatitis refers to a rash on the skin.

What Is Eczema?

Eczema is a kind of dermatitis that is usually referred to as atopic dermatitis. People that suffer from this skin condition, will probably have one or more of the following symptoms: edema, erythema, skin dryness, and itching. Severe eczema can cause blistering, flaking, cracking, oozing and bleeding.

You should treat this condition opportunely because it worsens with age. It's also very important that you have the right diagnosis.

How to Treat Eczema and Dermatitis

With dermatitis, the first step is to identify what causes the allergic reaction. Once the allergen is identified you'll have to take the necessary steps to avoid its contact. Treating eczema, however, is a bit more complicated.

Experts don't agree on the causes of eczema, although, they have identified a strong genetic factor. Not to mention the fact that several eczema sufferers have shown similar triggers that are not associated to genetics.

One common trigger involves hot and humid weather. Exposure to this factor has produced eczema flare-ups. Another factor is physical contact with dry, itchy fabric which can also cause redness and irritation. Yet another quirky trigger seems to be embarrassment and blushing. Several people have noticed that this type of situation causes eczema to flare-up noticeably.

These situations are not the only triggers, so it is important that you identify what sets off your eczema so that you can treat it successfully. For example, if your eczema worsens when you are exposed to heat then try sipping cool water to keep your core temperature down. Exercising in places that are well ventilated will also help keep your temperature under control.

You will also need to change your skin care routine. This means that using natural skin products and dry skin lotions can help soothe your skin. As a matter of fact, natural healing balms are less aggressive and will not cause irritate as do most chemical-based skin care products products.

Keep in mind that some natural extracts can also irritate your skin. Keep away from products that contain menthol, cinnamon, ylang-ylang among others.

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