How Do Stretch Marks Form?

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Most people do not like seeing scars and other blemishes on their skin. This is why they would avoid situations wherein such scars may form. But there are some blemishes that are really unavoidable like stretch marks. This is because you will not be able to control how fast your body grows and it will form whenever the skin is stretched past its limit.

Women are more prone to developing stretch marks as they are exposed to more circumstances where skin is stretched past its limit. One such event in a woman's life when this is very evident is during pregnancy. During this time, the skin is stretched really fast and it usually does not have time to increase it size and elasticity to cope up with the increased size of the stomach. This results in the formation of more marks.

During adolescence and puberty, the body is also subjected to rapid increase in size and this can also lead to the formation of these marks. When the skin is not able to stretch far enough, the dermal layer will tear thus signaling the start of the formation of stretch marks.

Although these are the common and natural ways of obtaining stretch marks, there are also ways as to how they can form on the skin. When one eats too much and allows their body to increase rapidly in size due to the increased amounts of fat, it will definitely result in the stretching of the skin which increases the risk of forming these ugly scars.

Aside from this, going to the gym and lifting weights can also lead to a rapid increase in the size of the body. You can limit this by decreasing the amount of weights that you lift at a time as heavier weight would lead to faster increase in muscle mass. Decreasing your workload will help the skin cope up with the increased size of your muscles so that it will not result to formation of ugly scars.

A rapid decrease in size can also lead to formation of these marks. So you should be careful and not go into crash diets that could lead to a fast decrease in your body mass. Be sure to do things in moderation or else you will have ugly looking skin even though you have a much smaller body.

Another factor that is commonly neglected is the hormonal changes that occur in the body. Hormones can affect the way as to how the body heals its wounds, thus hormonal imbalances can contribute to the increased risk of forming scars. Try to anticipate times when you are prone to forming stretch marks so that you can try and take some steps to prevent them from forming.

These are just the most common ways of how stretch marks may form on the skin. There may still be other ways as to how these form. The best way to avoid them is by predicting when they might occur and using preventive methods to avoid their formation on our skin. As for existing scars, you may undergo laser surgery, microdermabrasion and other methods to remove these from your skin.

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