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Articles, tagged with "puberty", page 1

09th January 2012

Stretch Marks Removal Reviews

Stretch mark removal is the biggest topic on the minds of people who suffer from them. That is very understandable since stretch marks can be such a nuisance. They can make you feel self conscious, and lower self esteem. Stretch marks are a form of skin s...

27th June 2011

How Can Acne Scars Be Improved?

As all those who have gone through the jumps and hoops that come with puberty can tell you, acne is an especially irksome skin condition. For most, the problem will be a little beyond cosmetic in the fact that it'll lower one's self esteem during a fragil...

09th June 2011

The Newest Innovation Within the Skin Care Industry Is the Incorporation of a Biological Serum Into

We are all familiar with them. They are the lines that give us great unpleasantness at the beach, out in public, with our friends, and with our loved ones. Stretch marks appear at the most inopportune times and in the most inopportune places. If there cou...

08th June 2011

Efficient and Quick Pimples Elimination

Pimples is a pores and skin blemish condition that may trigger you some grief for a brief period of time but if you buy the correct long run pimples fighting resolution that matches your skin wants then it is possible for you to to win the struggle toward...

17th May 2011

Eliminate Stretch Marks with One of These Following Stretch Marks Treatments

We all love to go to the beach, but we all know that unsightly stretch marks can put a damper on the parade. Well then, what can be done about them? Fortunately, there are a variety of treatments that are available to wither them away and give you the con...

16th May 2011

Teenage bringing up a child difficulties

Teenage parenting difficultiesTeenage is the most vulnerable period when one particular would strike depression with an ongoing transitional phase from childhood to adulthood. This is the phase of turmoil when an adolescent has to address physical, emotio...

04th May 2011

Losing Bumps, Lumps And Stretch Marks With Help of Chemical Peels and Cellulite Treatment

Dr Ayham Al-Ayoubi offers the first definitive scientific roadmap to help reduce dimpling and improve stretch marks at London Medical and Aesthetic Clinic, 1 Harley Street, London with most advanced cellulite treatment of Velashape and chemical peels. Pat...

18th April 2011

Male Hair Loss Treatment

Male Hair loss Treatment - What Solutions Do You've got?Male hair loss remedies are massive business. Which is because for quite a few guys, losing their hair as they age is a devastating experience. It may occur at any age subsequent puberty and has nume...

31st March 2011

Get Acne Free Skin

Get Acne Free Skin Acne free skin is a dream for millions of young adults every single year. The majority of teenagers could experience some form of acne outbreak prior to their sixteenth birthday and some may even endure this challenge as early as age...

21st March 2011

Talking to Your Daughter About That Dot Thing, and Other Growing Up Insights

Tonight is the big meeting at our school for “Parents Only” where we get to preview the movie our fourth graders will be watching in the next couple of weeks about puberty. The very thought of it sends a mere shudder down my spine. I tend to take a “no...

16th February 2011

Crazy Van Gogh and Munch

When we mention the crazy artist, every one would first think of Van Gogh, howevery, Munch is also a crazy painter. Both of these artists were known to suffer from mental illness. Munch had bi-polar disorder and Van Gogh suffered from paranoia. They...

07th February 2011

Teenagers and Exposure to Their Special Needs Peers

Recently, I’ve begun working for an autism treatment provider, but I’m no stranger to autism. As an adolescent in Chicago, I attended a high school that offered special education classes and I volunteered on weekends for a local organization dedicated to...

17th November 2010

Acne Inversa: What is it?

After puberty, everyone go through the outbreak of acne at least once. Many folks believe the outbreak of acne is the most dreaded skin infection since it not only causes pain but in addition spoils our skin texture. But little do we know that there is ...

07th November 2010

Blemishes -- Escape The Worst Teenager Nightmare!

Teenagers are constantly worried about the way they look. The dilemmas are just endless! Some are worried about their dental structure and should consult a dentist to fix it. Others might not be happy with the way they smile, and should therefore look for...

29th October 2010

The Best Way to get Rid of Stretch Marks

One type of scar that is almost always unavoidable is the formation of stretch marks on one's body. This is more evident in women as they are exposed to more circumstances wherein these marks may form. Since these marks are really ugly to look at and a lo...

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