Author Details


Member Since: 17th December 2010
No of Articles: 5
About Me:


24th February 2011

Traveling With Autism

By CARD in Family
I’ve seen and heard my share of children's tantrums in the autism clinic over the years, but I’ve never thought about the obstacles that families traveling with an autistic child have to deal with. What happens if a child with autism starts a tantrum at a...

07th February 2011

Teenagers and Exposure to Their Special Needs Peers

Recently, I’ve begun working for an autism treatment provider, but I’m no stranger to autism. As an adolescent in Chicago, I attended a high school that offered special education classes and I volunteered on weekends for a local organization dedicated to...

05th February 2011

Don’t Worry, He Will Grow Out of It!

By CARD in Family
When parents talk to pediatricians and educational professionals about an undesirable behavior, it is not uncommon to be told that many children will “grow out” of that behavior. This is often reassuring for parents because it means, 1) other children als...

05th February 2011

Throw Them Into Heavy Traffic?

By CARD in Family
I recently read a letter penned to 'the future' by the father of an autistic child. In this letter, the father expressed profound anxiety about his son's future despite his considerable efforts to prepare him for it: "We’re waiting for you… the future. I...

25th January 2011

Challenging Behavior and Symptom Severity in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders

In a recent study, CARD researchers Jina Jang, Dr. Dennis Dixon, Dr. Jonathan Tarbox, and Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh found a relationship between symptom severity and challenging behavior in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Children with ASD are...