ladies make up tips for cross dressers

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So you want to achieve that Sexy Feminine look, it is not too hard if you get the basics right.

Determine your look I am sure you will want to look sensual and sexy and not like something the cat's dragged in, and it is much easier than you think once you know the basics of skin care and applying makeup.

Whether you are dressing on a regular or permanent basis skin care is a routine that should be performed daily by both men and women if you want to look your best and have that youthful healthy looking glow.


First of all it is important to determine your facial skin type i.e. dry, oily or combination skin and then choose the right products to suit your skin type, this includes all cleaning products, moisturiser and foundation.


Before starting your beauty regime you will need to shave so that the products don't get clogged in any whiskers. It is a good idea to exfoliate once a week this involves using a product which contains granules and will feel a little gritty on your skin but it will get rid of all the dead skin cells leaving your skin glowing. Bushy eyebrows are a definite no no so get out the tweezers and pluck out and shape those brows and don't forget the nose and ear hair!


It is always better to use a beauty product for cleansing the skin preferably the type that can be washed off with water to give you a real clean feel. Soap should never be used on the face as it is far too drying, gently pour a little of the cleansing lotion in the palm of your hand and lather over the face then rinse off with a little tepid water, then gently pat the face dry with a towel.

Use a cotton swab and carefully dab the toner on the swab, and wipe over the face, keep it away from the eye area, once applied you will feel a nice cooling and sometimes tingling sensation.


Place a little of the moisturiser on your finger and rub gently into your skin with special care around the eye areas.

You are now ready to apply your Makeup.


If you have any blemishes or red or dark marks that you want to conceal then you can use a concealer to cover them up a green concealer will tone down any red blemishes. This can also be used if you want to make your nose look smaller just by applying a little along each side of your nose, you will need to practise this to get it perfect.


Check the foundation colour with the colour of your skin it should be a perfect match, you can test different shades on the side of your chin to enable you to find the right colour that suits you, apply the foundation finely you don't want that clogged up look. A loose powder can be applied to seal the foundation to give you a lasting matt look but is optional. A blusher can be used to enhance the shape of your face it is normally applied with a brush along the cheek bone.


It is always best to choose natural looking colours brown and greys are popular look at some of the magazines and see what the models are wearing it is almost always Smokey brown and greys, Blue eye shadow is so unnatural and is not recommended !

A kohl eyebrow pencil can be used to darken fair eyebrows and also to draw a fine line along the base of your eyelashes. Finish off with mascara, and brush the top and bottom lashes carefully there are several different types of mascara brushes depending on the look you want to achieve check these out when you go to buy.


A lip pencil is used to define the lips and the colour applied with a lip brush afterwards alternatively you can just apply lipstick.


Exfoliate the hands to rid yourself of any dead skin cells, rinse off and massage your hands well with a good hand cream. Clean and trim your nails and give your self a manicure apply a clear base coat and when dry choose a polish that is similar to your lipstick colour, finish off with a top coat this will ensure your varnish will stay on, the same also applies to the feet.


There are a lot of salons that perform Facials and body waxing for men and it is quite a common practice for men as well as the ladies to have a manicure.


Ok that's the basics now get to it Girls

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