Infertility Treatment - Gestational Carrier, Egg Donor

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Most gestational carriers are chosen by couples who are experiencing fertility issues. Depending on the issues experienced by the couple, the gestational carrier may carry an baby made from eggs and sperm donated by the couple, or outside donations of eggs and sperm may be used. Couples commonly turn to a gestational carrier when a woman experiences repeated miscarriages, suggesting that she may not be able to carry a baby to term, or when a woman's health would be endangered by carrying a baby.

Laws about gestational surrogacy vary from place to place. In many areas, it is not legal to pay a gestational surrogate, although the couple which hires her may pay for her healthcare and compensate her for expenses related to the pregnancy. The legal status of the baby also varies. In some cases, a gestational carrier may decide she doesn't want to give the baby up, for example, requiring clear laws which outline what to do in complex situations involving gestational carriers.

As a general rule, a gestational surrogate is chosen on the basis of her general health, and many parents like to seek a gestational carrier who has already had at least one child, indicating that she is capable of carrying a baby safely to term. In many countries, fertility consultants offer listings of women who have volunteered to be gestational carriers, and some women may ask family members to carry children for them.

Once a family has selected a gestational carrier, fertility treatments for the carrier and the mother can begin. After eggs are harvested from the mother or a third party donor, donated sperm from the father or another donor can be introduced to the eggs, creating a zygote which can be implanted in the surrogate. Because this process is expensive, time consuming, and painful, surrogates are often offered substantial fees in compensation for their important contribution.

During the pregnancy, a surrogate may be asked to follow certain health guidelines, such as not smoking, drinking, or using drugs. She is also required to attend regular prenatal checkups and to observe basic precautions to protect the health of the developing fetus. Depending on the terms of her contract, a gestational carrier may visit with the parents who have contracted her services to keep them updated on the pregnancy, or she may maintain minimal contact.

The relationship a family has with a gestational carrier varies, and it is usually clearly spelled out in a contract agreed to by all parties before the pregnancy commences. In some cases, for example, a gestational carrier may give up all rights to the resulting child, while in other instances the gestational carrier may be invited to play a role in the child's life, which might range from seeing the child occasionally to actively participating in childrearing. Parents and potential surrogates should think about these issues carefully before making an agreement, and they should take the time to discuss expectations before deciding on a gestational carrier.

Author of the article is an IVF Fertility infertility specialist and runs fertility centre provides the best affordable quality infertility,fertility treatments with advanced reproductive technologies like IVF,ART, GIFT, ZIFT, TET, ICSI,donor egg,surrogate and surrogacy services for all nationalities.

Rotunda-The Center for Human Reproduction
+91 22 2655 2000

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