Infertility Research: What Do We Know?

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Copyright (c) 2009 Randy Beckett

Infertility is a condition in which a couple fails to conceive after attempting unprotected sex for a period of at least one year. Statistics reveal that approximately 6 million women between the ages of 16 & 45 have infertility issues while attempting to get pregnant. Simply, infertility is the inability to conceive whether it is the female, male or both partners. More than 2 million married couples are now experiencing problems with infertility and this figure is likely to rise mainly due to our current face paced, high stressed lifestyle. Statistics also show that more than 5 million women have sought treatment from infertility specialist for help. If you are experiencing infertility it is important for you to understand that you are not alone. Although knowing this may not make you feel better, it should encourage you to know that because infertility is growing so is research and ultimately new forms of treatment.

Infertility can be broadly defined in 3 forms:

1. Primary infertility: Is defined as a woman whom has never been able to conceive.

2. Secondary infertility: Is defined as a woman whom has had a child but is unable to conceive again.

3. Repeated miscarriages: Is defined as a woman whom fails to carry the baby to term and has encountered frequent miscarriages. Although miscarriage isn't uncommon, experiencing more than two miscarriages consecutively can be related to infertility.

It is important to understand what infertility is and also to understand the misconceptions concerning infertility. Below you will find a number of items related to misconceptions of infertility:

' Women are the only ones who suffer infertility. This isn't true, according to medical research infertility is almost equally prevalent in men as in women. The American Society of Reproductive Medicine reveals that about 50% of the cases of infertility are related to female issues, while 30% are related to male infertility factors. The remaining percentage is attributed to problems affecting both female and male, or some unexplained factors.

' Infertility is a mental disorder affecting those people who do not want to get pregnant for some reason. Wrong! Infertility is a disorder involving the reproductive system.

' Infertility is quite common in unhealthy men and women. A person or couples health can definitely be a factor involving infertility, however it is not usually one of the key factors. There are many lifestyle factors that can be involved in creating infertility in an individual including: drinking, smoking, poor diet, exposure to chemicals, drugs and sexually transmitted diseases.

Even the healthiest of couples may experience problems in having a baby. Research shows that women are at their premium fertile state when they are between the ages of 20 & 32. After the age of 35 their fertility tends to decline rapidly. However, age is usually only one aspect of a women's inability to get pregnant. Age is usually related to the decline in hormonal balance, which is needed to be successful with a pregnancy. Hormonal treatments may be beneficial for a woman who is attempting a pregnancy late in life.

Whatever the case may be, infertility remedies are available in may different forms from natural remedies, pharmaceuticals, surgeries and IVF. The majority of infertility cases are treatable once a proper diagnosis has been completed. The important thing is to stay positive and take charge of your own fertility plan. Whatever direction you decide to move in treating your infertility be sure to do it under a doctor's supervision for your health as well as your unborn child. Take heart in knowing that 85% of those individuals diagnosed with some form of infertility are able to conceive. Best of luck and God Bless!


Randy Beckett is an author, speaker and consultant with over 30 years experience in women's healthcare. For additional information on infertility research, visit

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