Hypoglycemia - How to Overcome 'Brain Fog' and Mood Swings

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To understand "brain fog", one of hypoglycemia's symptoms, you need an understanding of the basics of your body's low blood sugar levels.

To get the required energy for 24 hours, most people only eat three times a day. Any breakdown in the system of providing fuel constantly should be a clue as to how hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels) takes hold.

After eating, your digestive system breaks down the food into usable energy. First off, your saliva produces a simple sugar, glucose.

Glucose is your energy source and it is what is referred to when low blood sugar is mentioned. Further digestion brings amino acids, which become carbohydrates. Carbs are converted to glucose (and glycogen, which is stored sugar in your body).

Extra energy is converted to fat by the liver for the body's long-term energy needs. Your pancreas then takes over: insulin is released with the digestion of carbs.

This is where problems can start. Refined foods and sugary drinks too often during the course of the day forces the pancreas to produce more insulin than the body requires.

Insulin creates fuel by taking glucose to your body's cells.

This rush of insulin is extra to that produced steadily by the body for its normal energy needs. It causes our blood sugar levels to dramatically spike up and then crash. Fairly constant blood sugar levels are impossible to maintain if one is taking in caffeine, stress and refined foods all day.

Hypoglycemia will become established if insulin demands on the body occur every 30-60 minutes.

This explains why, when your low blood sugar crashes, you feel fatigued. That tired feeling comes from no glucose. No fuel (or glucose) to the brain and you will feel you have "brain fog", along with memory loss, mood swings and even the start of depression.

Such hypoglycemic symptoms, research has shown, are the result of your lifestyle and diet.

The good news is that hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can be overcome without too much effort and you should not think that your "foggy brain" will be with you forever. Not when you realise that it is the extra pressure you are putting on your body by over-indulging.

Change your habits of just coffee and refined products and you will start to improve your low blood sugar levels.

You will need to do a little background reading to make the right decisions for an improvement in your life. This is fortunately not expensive or difficult and can be undertaken within a week or two.
Your "brain fog" low blood sugar symptoms will not go away on their own. To help you with the correct understanding of hypoglycemia visit http://www.hypoglycemia-dieting.com while it is still easy to make the changes.

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