Author Details

Noel Glass

Member Since: 18th November 2008
No of Articles: 0
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16th January 2009

Tips on Dining Out when You Have Hypoglycemia

People with hypoglycemic symptoms very often think that they cannot go out to dine because restaurants won't cater to them. In fact restaurants, especially since the 'credit crunch', will go out of their way to accommodate hypoglycemics. Don't only thi...

13th January 2009

Hypoglycemia - How to Overcome 'Brain Fog' and Mood Swings

To understand "brain fog", one of hypoglycemia's symptoms, you need an understanding of the basics of your body's low blood sugar levels.To get the required energy for 24 hours, most people only eat three times a day. Any breakdown in the system of provid...

19th December 2008

Weight Loss and Low Blood Sugar Levels (Hypoglycemia) - The Connection

There is a hidden connection between weight loss and low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia) which few people are aware of. Your blood sugar needs to enter your cells from the bloodstream where it is used immediately or stored. But if your cells do not r...

18th December 2008

Beware Hypoglycemia - It Comes in the Innocent Morning Coffee.

The desperate need for coffee, tea and refined foods in the morning is often the result of low blood sugar levels(hypoglycemia)- which points to further illnesses down the road. What a kick-start to the system! The fast releasing refined flour, combi...