How to Play Guitar Effortlessly Like a Master

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Do you want to lean how to play guitar like the masters? If so, then here are a few tips to get you heading in the right direction.

Did you ever notice that when people see a guitar master play (or any great instrumentalist for that matter), they all seem to say the same things? He/she plays so effortlessly, they make it look so easy, they don't even seem to be trying…

Do you see a pattern here? The great guitarists all play in such a manner that it looks effortless, it looks easy. And do you know what the secret is? It is easy. And yes, I know, they've played for many years, they've mastered the guitar and as a result they now play effortlessly. Seems so obvious. But the secret that nobody seems to talk about is this.

Great guitarists did not struggle for years, playing everything with a lot of tension and struggle and then somehow after many years they suddenly began to play effortlessly. No, in fact, they started out playing effortlessly from the beginning. Yes, they started with the end in mind. They played effortlessly from the moment that they began to work on the piece of music. Playing effortlessly is not something that comes after years of struggle and stress. In fact, you can begin to play effortlessly starting with your first guitar lesson. And if you have a wise and experienced teacher they will have gotten you started on that path on day one.

What this means is that you must play in a relaxed and effortless way from the moment you first pick up the guitar. Struggle, strain and stress do not lead to relaxation. It is only a lack of strain and relaxation that leads to further relaxation.

If you had a friend who was very stressed, would you recommend that they go for a drive in rush hour traffic in order to relax? Of course not. You would recommend that they do something relaxing in order to get relaxed.

So why is it, that we think that if we struggle with our guitar playing, if we tense our muscles and aggressively attack our pieces that this will lead to relaxed and effortless guitar playing. It does not make any sense. It is important that you contemplate these concepts if you want to learn how to play guitar effortlessly.

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