How to make thicker eyebrows

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Eyelashes are the hairs that grow on the tip of the eyelid and these hairs trap any foreign particles entering the eyes. Eyelashes are very sensitive to touch and hence they make the eyelid to shut when there is an oncoming object. The color of the eyelashes depends on the color of ones own hair and having longer and thicker eyelashes makes the looks of a face beautiful.
Eyelash extensions are semi-permanent synthetic materials that are placed and bonded onto your existing natural lashes to naturally enhance your eyes and their natural beauty. These semi-permanent eyelashes are applied, lash by lash over your existing eyelashes. The life cycle of a normal lash is about 60 to 90 days. However, semi-permanent eye lashes normally last about 2 months. The selection of curling eyelashes has to done which is handed catch well and curve with the appropriate eyes.
The extensions are made of synthetic materials and they vary on length and thickness to match your natural eyelashes. They are applied to your individual lashes one at a time. The whole process takes about anywhere form 45 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the look you want to achieve. You can then shower, swim or even spa without worrying about your eyelashes. Prolonged exposure to steam and heat will cause the lashes to loose adhesion. Waterproof mascara is not recommended with these lashes. Semi-permanent eyelashes feel no different than your normal eyelashes. While more expensive than false eyelashes, they last longer with little maintenance and looks natural.

The most important feature, that can enhance and frame the beauty of a woman's face, is her eyebrows. The perfect eyebrows are rich, full and show the perfect arch. Eyebrows frame a face and well-shaped eyebrows with just the right fullness to go with your features will greatly enhance the way your face looks.
The latest procedure for thicker eyebrows is transplantation. Transplantation to the eyebrows is a procedure designed to restore growing hair to eyebrows that are overly thin, scarred, or completely missing. The cosmetic surgeon will transfer some hair from the scalp to the brow and the doctor uses a microscope to section the strip of hair into micro grafts for transplantation containing just one or, occasionally, two hairs. Individual hairs are then removed from this strip of skin and transplanted into the desired position. This procedure typically involves the placement of 50 to as many as 350 hairs into each eyebrow, depending upon the existing amount of hair and the desired size and density. The results are not immediate and can take a couple of months before the hair grows through the skin, and another couple before the eyebrows is properly defined again. The new eyebrow hair may also need to be trimmed on a regular basis as it will tend to grow as long as the hair on your head, rather than being the shorter hairs normally associated with eyebrows. As the transplanted hairs grow into their new position, occasional trimming is required.

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