How Modern Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help your Smile

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Long gone are the days when a cosmetic dentist in Fort Lauderdale was restricted to only a few kinds of special treatments for your teeth. Now, with the advancement of modern dental technology, there are new and effective ways to treat dental problems and add to the overall beauty of your smile with less stress, pain, and discomfort. Learning about the amazing advanced technology and procedures a cosmetic dentist uses can help you make the decision get the smile you've always wanted.

When it comes to tooth loss, many people dread the idea of wearing dentures. One of the great advances in cosmetic dentistry is that dentures are becoming a thing of the past. A cosmetic dentist in Fort Lauderdale is now able to use realistic and strong implants to create individual new teeth for you that match your other teeth. These beautiful implants are inserted in the space where the missing tooth is, and in a short time they bond to the gums and look completely natural.

Another issue a cosmetic dentist works with often is crooker or misaligned teeth. Many people are frustrated with the alignment of their teeth, but don't want to go through the hassle of wearing traditional metal braces. Progressive dental techniques allow a person who wants straight teeth to use invisible alignment devices. Like traditional braces, these clear plastic braces slowly adjust your teeth over time while remaining almost completely invisible. In addition, the plastic mold is so close to the actual shape of the teeth that it is almost impossible to feel while wearing them. As your teeth become straighter, new molds are given along the way to gently continue moving your teeth into a straight alignment.

Everyone wants brilliant white teeth. We used to say that someone with white teeth was just lucky, but now days anyone can work on getting a whiter and brighter smile through the help of their cosmetic dentist. Advanced technology focusing on effective whitening and the comfort of the patient mean that you can get your teeth looking dazzling without all the stress.

For people with fillings, the unsightly appearance of metal or filling spots on their teeth can be embarrassing. With modern dentistry, your cosmetic dentist in Fort Lauderdale can replace old fillings and crowns, plus create new ones for teeth that need filling now, and do so with completely white material You can choose to have a white composite filling or a white porcelain filling to replace old metal fillings which renders them almost invisible. Even when a tooth has had some trouble, the right fillings and crowns from your cosmetic dentist in Fort Lauderdale can help make them look healthy and bright.

If you're ready to have the smile you've always wanted, but never wanted the discomfort, now is the time to consider working with a professional cosmetic dentist in Fort Lauderdale. Their effective work aims to keep you comfortable while quick and beautiful results take place. Many cosmetic dentists also offer great financing, so cosmetic dentistry can be within everyone's reach. A cosmetic dentist in Fort Lauderdale is a great way for you to get your teeth healthy, looking great, and to help you feel more confident and proud!

Cosmetic Dentist in Fort Lauderdale

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