Common Risks on Laser Hair Removal

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There are some people that are having problems with unwanted hair growth in underarms, chests, bikini lines, backs, and other areas. Some men also want to prevent the growth of their mustache and beard.

As a solution, many of them prefer to have laser hair removal to permanently damage the re-growth mechanism so that there will be no new hair that will regenerate. In this process, the substance in the hair follicle called melanin should absorb enough heat to prevent hair re-growth. The effects primarily vary on the hair color. Darker hairs contain more melanin and therefore require more heat to be absorbed.

Laser hair removal offers a promising solution to such problem. However, it is not completely safe because there are some risks that a patient should be aware of before undergoing this procedure. Since lasers are intended to penetrate the skin to emit heat on the hair follicles, not all skin colors are ideal for this process. The skin also contains melanin and like the hair, darker skin contains more melanin. The problem with this is when the skin color of the person is darker than its hair; they are not advisable to have this process.

In general, people with darker complexion are not safe to have laser hair removal because there is a great chance that the skin could absorb too much heat until it burns and lead to some skin problems. To minimize this problem, laser hair removal Boca Raton has use some safety precautions such as applying a cooling spray to the skin before the procedure.

In rare cases, eye damage may occur although the patient wears goggles during the treatment. Usually, a dermatology West Palm Beach clinic specialists advices the patient never to look directly on the laser beam to ensure safety of the eyes. If ever the goggles are dislodged, the operation must be paused by the specialist to correct its position.

Another risk is something that deals with the electrolysis which is part of the laser process. Electrolysis delivers an electric shock to each strand of the hair and some people might experience discomfort during operation. Because of this, a patient is advised to consult first a dermatology Delray Beach clinic to determine if the laser hair removal is applicable on its health condition.

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