Honest Parenting

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HONEST PARENTING PARENTING: WHICH ROAD DO I HAVE TO TAKE TO REAR A GOOD CHILD? THE PROCESS OF BEING A NEW PARENT For you to understand the issues at hand with regards to your children, is for you to place yourself in their shoes. Try to remember what it was like to be a kid again, this process is called as "rediscovering your inner child". This may probably take you a lifetime of endless learning, rejoicing and even suffering before you may be successful. PARENTING AS A NEVER-ENDING JOB A younger child needs lots of attention as well as proper guidance as they are growing up. If one day your child comes running to you and starts asking you like "mom/dad I need help!", will you say to them sorry, I am too busy now? I do not believe so! The first that thing we say is what seems to be the problem and we go trying to find the right solution to help them with their problems. To raise a child to being a good adult definitely takes a commitment (life long that is). TEACH YOUR KIDS SELF-RELIANCE With the thinking that giving your child things (from toys, to high tech gadgets etc. You may still believe that by giving your child things that they want is pleasurable. Do not be surprised if you discover that you're really seeking to fulfill what you then lacked. GET MORE COMPLIANCE IN NINE WAYS! I really love it every time I hear other kids say, "YES! YES!" Then you can tickle your child or even use humor just to see if you actually can get your child to say "YES!" Always relate your command as a statement, and never as a question, Most parents are prone to saying, "Would you like to star doing your homework now?" and other commands which should always be stated using a firm voice. Your child is then less likely to oppose if he/she feels that he/she have some control of the situation. MAKE MEMORIES WITH QUALITY FAMILY TIME It actually depends on how chaotic your current family schedule has become, this will then help you determine how great of a challenge it is for you to change your thinking for this quality time can be set aside. It's better to make a gradual routine change as opposed to major drastic changes that'll certainly bring about all kinds of objections. Write down some notes of positive and truly inspiring stories that you hear about, and then use those stories to start a dinner conversation as a topic. COMMON CHILD AND PARENT PROBLEMS I have been corrected a lot of times before by being rebuked that "Its way different now" or by "Mom that happen to be years ago" it seems that the children makes a point in that sense. Your child will begin to revolt about attending school in ordinary school shoes, they might be asking for designer gears like those other kids for them not to feel jealous or even inferior. It may be hard for some, while it can be easy for others.

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