The Benefits of Home Composting

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The majority of our domestic rubbish ends up in a landfill site. and we are rapidly running out of future landfill sites.
Much of the rubbish that goes into these sites is vegetable peelings, cardboard, shredded paper and garden waste - all organic matter. These landfill sites get squashed down and eventually the organic matter is converted to methane gas which has implications in the climate change we hear so much about.

We are already being pushed, to separate our waste rather than it all going together in one bin. This is because we have to reduce, recylce and reuse as much waste as possible and reduce the amount that goes to landfill. Also remember, there are continuing threats that before long we will be charged for rubbish collections, based on their weight. About 40% of your rubbish is suitable for composting, so think of the difference you could make.

Many local councils now operate separate collections for different types of waste and this is helping greatly with the landfill issue. So by separating your rubbish and letting the council recycle what they can, you are helping the environment but why not help yourself and for a little effort save money and feed your garden better. Also, if you rely solely on council initiatives, you are still sending items to landfill that you can recycle at home into wonderful compost.

Home composting would mean that you send no organic matter to landfill, so making your personal impact on the environment. Not only that but it would mean that you had your own source of a wonderful soil additive for your garden and a wonderful medium for potted plants. No more having to buy expensive compost at the garden centre, not to mention manoeuvring the heavy bags in and out of your car.

That horrid 'rubbish' that is organic matter is broken down by microbes and worms working together and turning it into a wonderful dark, rich compost - full of nutrients for your plants and vegetables and really pleasant to handle. It is such a 'waste' to throw away materials when you can use them to improve your garden so easily.

If you are at all interested in organic gardening, you have to make and use your own compost, it is an essential ingredient. Getting started is simple, just look round your garden and pick a small area in which to keep your compost.

Making compost is not complicated, you just need to provide all the right ingredients and nature will do the rest. However you will make it better and more efficiently, with just a little knowledge. Your only investment is a little time, and your rewards can be enormous. Not only will you enrich your soil and improve the health of your plants, you will be contributing to the solution of a massive community problem.

Make Your Own Compost

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