Heroes Episodes Would Have Been Kept On Air

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When the creators of Heroes episodes announced that this show won't be picked-up for the 5th season, it brought out an earthquake in the lives of its followers. They were left in tears, wondering why it happened at a time, when millions were passionate about this show. Although NBC provided the reason of substandard ratings of show and poor response from viewers, they have decided to kill the show, but this reason didn't sound realistic to diehard admirers of this sci-fi serial drama.

This article discusses why the network gave such justifications, which sounded irrelevant to almost every TV buff, and why it was greatly required, to keep this going, at least, for next couple of years.

Those, who watch Heroes and love to cherish its heart-gripping action-packed theme, time and again, know the fact that there are billions of people, who are still mourning over the cancellation of this show. Termination of this mesmerizing series was a sort of horrifying nightmare for them, and they are still struggling hard to accept that their treasured show has been wiped off from their screens, for now and forever.

Viewers even today crave for this series to the extent, that to keep its memories always close to their hearts, they see Heroes episodes from internet and at times, even secure its download. So, the question of hour is, if the popularity of this series was at sky-high levels, and viewers were yearning to watch it, then why didn't its creators realize this fact.

The real answer of this question lies in the fact that there appeared a fall in the number people who used to watch Heroes on its network, because its fans didn't manage to arrange their work schedules according to its airing timings. They relished it from the internet and that's why there occurred a fall in the ratings on the home network. Thus, its creators got the misconception that TV buffs aren't interested in watching it, anymore.

Although there is nobody to be accused for this misunderstanding, but surely the entire event has been extremely unfortunate for serial drama lovers. Some satisfaction lies in the fact that this compelling series ended with a bang.

If you are somehow finding it difficult to recall what happened in the finale, then you must catch Heroes episodes by utilizing beneficial web services, and find out that the finale had some overwhelming and touching moments.

The entire thrill of the show got revived in the finale, when it was presented that Claire and Noah might not be able to survive under the terrifying conditions, prevailing around them, at 30 feet under the ground. Apart from this, the most enchanting feature of the finale was the defeat of Samuel, who gained momentum instantaneously. So, watch Heroes from the internet, to keep alive this astounding series forever.

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