Hair Transplants for Getting Back Hair

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One of the most embarrassing things that can happen to a person is baldness. Baldness is a totally undesirable phase people go through. Statistics show that men are most vulnerable to baldness (thus the term male pattern baldness), but women are prone to this as well. Baldness is usually associated with ageing, but if a young person doesn’t live healthy lifestyle, he or she too may experience this amidst being young. Another reason for baldness is genetics. If your relatives suffer from baldness, you might suffer from it as well. Of course, those who are or may be affected by this need not worry. Science has made it possible to fix baldness. Hair transplants are the most scientifically sound and effective solutions to baldness.

Hair transplants are really very simple procedures. It is very easy to explain them to anyone. Basically, what happens when one goes through hair transplantation is that his or her bald spots are planted with live hair follicles from other parts of the body. Then after the area heals, the implanted follicles with grow out with hair. This effectively makes the bald area have hair again. It is that simple. These days, hair transplantation is a common procedure that any specialist can do. You don’t have to hide for long after the procedure because the healing process if very quick. Scars are also very minimal. If there are any, they will be easy to hide anyway.

There are different types of harvesting procedures for hair transplants. There is the Strip Harvesting procedure where a strip of scalp is removed from an area of the head. It is then grafted and implanted into the skin separately. This is an effective type of hair transplantation, though growth may look somewhat artificial with this. A newer and better procedure is called FUE Harvesting. Here, hair is gathered based on their natural growth groupings. When transplanted, these look much more natural than Strip Harvested follicles. If you want to learn more about hair transplanting and your options when it comes to follicle harvesting, just visit a good dermatologist or plastic surgeon.

Get your natural looking hair back permanently. Explore all your hair loss options. Schedule a free hair transplant consultation at

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