Nazima Golamaully's Articles en-us Terri Vaughn’s Eight Annual Take Wings Event The "Take Wings Foundation" is an organization dedicated to helping exposed teens develop their self-esteem and life skills through proper education. On August 31, 2011, it will be hosting its eight annual black-tie benefit event at the San Francisco Mar... 29th September 2011 Centennial Olympic Park Many Atlantans will be hard pressed to ever forget one of Atlanta’s most famous events in recent times: its hosting of the Centennial Summer Olympics back in 1996. Likewise, the place where it all happened have likewise been permanently etched into our co... 26th September 2011 Common Causes of Divorce The euphoria one experiences during the early years of marriage eventually fades as the years go by. It is a fact of life and an inevitable reality. Some couples, however, may choose to stick with the relationship knowing that the romance is not the onl... 20th September 2011 Basic Facts about Remy Hair Remy hair is the best kind of hair extension available in the market today. It is considered to be the high end of human hair and is used to make high-quality hair extensions and wigs. Compared to other types of hair extensions, Remy hair is the closest t... 17th August 2011 REVIEW ON COUNTRY CLUB MEMBERSHIP AND ITS BENEFITS What’s so pleasurable with hitting a small ball with a very slim stick and make all possible effort to put it in a very small hole that is meters away from you? Not to mention the long walks and the dehydrating heat of the sun? Add the costly prices of th... 08th June 2011 Airnex Communications Inc. : A Review Of Services and Income Opportunities Capitalizing on different communications solutions, Airnex Communications Inc. was founded in 1995 with its headquarters in California. The company’s global operations has a wide reach to as much as 266 global destinations with its different outlets and s... 31st May 2011 Scooters for Kids -- Scooter Safety Tips When purchasing scooters for kids, not only should your choice depend on the child’s interest and ability to learn, you should also consider scooter safety tips. Yes, decisions over what type of scooter one is going to purchase are parents’ first concern.... 30th May 2011 Scooters for Kids -- Great Exercise for Your Child on Scooters It's not surprising if you want to have a scooter. It is a fascinating dual-purpose equipment, not only for you but also for your kids. Scooters for kids, especially the kick-off types offer great benefits; using them could be great exercise for your chil... 30th May 2011 Scooters for Kids -- Cool Transport for Children Whole Year Round Scooters for kids are becoming an outdoor craze nowadays. For children, they are a cool form of transportation. It is human-powered and in using it, one has to have quick judgment and quick reflexes to maneuver it. It develops independence and confidence ... 30th May 2011 Change your body shape without surgery by using a compression garment The advantages of using Post op body shapers may seem quite farfetched at first, especially when people say that these garments could instantly change your figure into a lovelier one. Your skepticism is normal; after all, there are a lot of fake products ... 23rd May 2011 An Honest Review on Bead Retreat Accessories and jewelries complete an outfit. When you wear accessories that you’ve made yourself, it makes it more fun. When you make them yourselves you can design it with your personality and your style. So for those who likes hosting a party or a gat... 20th May 2011 Lead Lined Drywall Radiation shielding is a discipline aimed at protecting humans and the environment from harmful effects of particle radioactivity and electromagnetic radiation. Ionizing radiation, although used in industry and medicine, is a serious health hazard. It res... 19th May 2011 Cooney’s books Cork Books even in this digital age of the Internet and digital television remain one of the most prestigious industries to be involved in. There is no way that the written word will ever be wiped of the face of the earth in an industry that has been a huge p... 13th May 2011 Create Success & Save Cash with Online Book Publishing Since the advent of the Internet, people have practically created a separate virtual world where everything real is converted into electronic signals that allow anyone with a computer to go anywhere and see anything through the four corners of the monitor... 11th March 2011 Promote Your Book - Promote Your Book for Profits True, in an era where the population of dechurched and unchurched is ever increasing, publishing a book where return is above cost can be tough. And several authors, in the name of true vocation to their calling, were and still is writing books at a loss ... 07th March 2011 Teenagers and Television on Computers Teenagers often enjoy watching television on the weekend or after finishing an assignment. They can lose themselves in comedies and other popular programmes. The comedy channel consists of shows from all over the world which suggests that the viewer will ... 18th February 2011 Technology and Television on your Computer If you have been thinking about subscribing to pay television yet you are concerned about the cost than tv on pc is likely for you. You can watch your favourite television programmes on your computer whenever you wish. There are more channels for you to e... 18th February 2011 Families and Television on their Computers Television is popular for families around the world as they use it for educational and entertainment purposes. They often argue over what to watch particularly on the weekend when everyone is at home. It is now possible for the whole family to watch what ... 18th February 2011 Hong Kong Classifieds: just a click away from solution Hong Kong is among the most densely populated areas of the world. In Hong Kong you will find a very transient life style. Here people keep on move so the business of sale and purchase of used items is very high. Here you will find everything in the second... 10th February 2011 Beginning to Make Jewelry Beginning to make jewelry can be a daunting task to an outsider, especially when looking at a finished product. But jewelry, like most things, can be broken down into simpler parts until it is just a matter of connecting part A with part B. If you’re a ... 09th February 2011 Mapping the Human Existence The discovery of the existence of DNA has not been enough for scientists since there is more part of the puzzle to be revealed. For instance, to fully understand human existence, genetics and heredity, every gene on the human chromosome has to be determin... 05th February 2011 DNA Testing for the Young The emergence of the Deoxyribose Nuclei Acid test has allowed many clueless individuals to find the truth about their real fathers or the father of an unborn baby. DNA is a relatively safe procedure that only requires samples readily derived from the skin... 05th February 2011 Important Considerations for Teeth Whitening Every person wants to have whiter and better-looking teeth. Of course, this is something that is easier said than done. In fact, many people suffer from stained and discolored teeth primarily because many think that he is required to spend much money just... 30th November 2010 Tips for Finding the Best Creams for Getting Rid of Dry Skin Dry skin is one of the major skin concerns of women. This can affect women of all ages and this skin condition can be irritating. This condition can be caused by the genetic makeup of the person or this can be caused by stress and environmental factors. T... 30th November 2010 Is Your Anti Aging Skin Care Cream Effective? Do you want to be wrinkle-free for a long time? Then, you should look for anti aging skin care cream that can effectively eliminate your fine lines and wrinkles. This kind of antiaging cream exists. You just have to know which one really works. Also, a re... 30th November 2010 What You Should Know About Anti Aging Natural Skin Care Products Are you seeking to have smoother, clearer and younger looking skin naturally? If so, you should know how to select effective anti aging natural skin care products. There are a lot of choices for anti aging products and some really work wonders where fine ... 30th November 2010 Making Money With Pictures Is Possible! Are you a photography enthusiast? Is that camera strap a permanent fixture on your neck? Are your social networking sites looking more like a portfolio of various things that catch your eye instead of the usual vanity? Photography is your number one hobby... 26th November 2010 Visiting a Hair Transplant Doctor: The Best Way to Save Your Hair Your hair is no doubt the icing on the cake, if you will, of your whole look. Without it, your overall appeal wouldn’t be the same. For this reason, you should always take care of your hair. It should always be healthy, clean and well groomed. However, ha... 10th November 2010 7 Ways to Lose Weight Fast Whether you want to lose 5 pounds or 150 pounds, I am sure like most people, you are looking for great fast weight loss techniques that can help you blast away that extra weight as quickly as possible. While it's not always an easy journey to weight loss,... 10th November 2010 About Hair Transplant Costs These days, many people of all ages and genders have balding issues. Traditionally, when one spoke of baldness back then, what would come into mind would be ageing men. However, in this day and age, that is no longer the case. Anyone can be hit by baldnes... 10th November 2010 Fighting Baldness With Hair Transplant Procedures People are prone to baldness as they age. This is due to many different things, like stress and malnutrition. But the most common reason for baldness is androgenic alopecia. Androgenic alopecia is more commonly termed as male pattern baldness because it m... 10th November 2010 What Is Hair Transplant Surgery? One of the simplest cosmetic procedures is hair transplant surgery. So what is hair transplantation surgery? This is basically a cosmetic procedure that helps people get back hair they lost. This is done by graphing follicle-filled skin from other parts o... 10th November 2010 Hair Transplants for Getting Back Hair One of the most embarrassing things that can happen to a person is baldness. Baldness is a totally undesirable phase people go through. Statistics show that men are most vulnerable to baldness (thus the term male pattern baldness), but women are prone to ... 10th November 2010 Hair Transplant Cost FAQ Men and women all over the world are very much interested in hair transplantation. Why is this so? This is because many people suffer from baldness. Baldness used to be only prevalent in the ageing male population. These days, however, baldness is no long... 10th November 2010 Getting Back Your Hair With the Help of Hair Transplant Doctors Have you ever been embarrassed by your receding hair line? If you have, then don’t fret; you are not alone. Men and women around the country and the world have the same problem as you. Hair loss and baldness are big issues with the ageing population, and ... 10th November 2010 Feel Sexy Wearing Nylon Briefs In need of underwear that feels nothing when worn – try undergarments made from nylon materials. Nylon underwear is the purest form of nylon underwear made from 100% nylon materials that are breathable and absorbent. The fabric used to produce nylon brief... 31st October 2010 Look Young and Feel Young with LifeWave Antioxidant and Anti-Aging Formula Since time immemorial, men and women have been looking for the elixir of youth and beauty. While the hands of clock tick, it signals that time is passing and you add another day to your age, then another week, then another month, and then another year. No... 25th October 2010 The Beauty From Within “Cells are the building blocks of life”, was what we were taught back in our school days. The human body is composed of billions of cells. As building blocks of life, cells are vital to every human being’s health. Every day, people are faced with envir... 25th October 2010 Send, Message, Send: The SMS and its role in Mobile Communication Since Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1872, it has been widely used by people for calling. The invention of the radio by Guglielmo Marconi, known as wireless telegraphy, has paved the way for birth of mobile communication, which used handh... 12th October 2010 Text Messaging and the Growth of the SMS Service Short Message Service or text messaging has been around for a while. Having been around for almost three decades since its inception in the early eighties, it has only been in the last couple of years that text messaging has become a viable alternative to... 12th October 2010 The Benefits of Using Green Products Using green products will give a lot of benefits to the environment, especially during these times that the planet is getting more and more ill with the effects of global warming. These products were developed by environmentalist and advocates of saving m... 01st October 2010 Office Holiday Party Ideas to Encourage Everyone’s Participation It’s Christmas and parties are being held left and right! Christmas parties are fun, and this is why several companies host parties during the holidays to give employees a break. Games are one of the best things in parties. If you have been assigned to th... 15th September 2010