Green Hotels: Conserving energy, managing wastes and recreating guests

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In this age of super technology wherein the pollution threat is increasing with the scientific development everyday; establishment of Eco-green hotels plays a wonderful role in pacifying its adverse effect on the environment. It recreates and entertains the needs and desire of the guest and at the same time causes minimal harm to the environment. We all are aware about the fact of global warming and very well know that more the greenery on earth lesser would be the effect of global warming. However, simple plantation system is not going to help, we need to change the way we work. The different sectors like hospitality and others are ought to adopt some environmentally compatible way of business. And eco-green hotels are the best examples of such kind.

What lead to the establishment of eco-green hotels?

• Government authoritative rule.
• Need for the balanced ecology and the idea of saving greenery on earth.
• Greener and natural accommodation requested by the visitors.
• Fact that environmentally responsible activities are greatly required.

• Fact that environmentally responsible hotels save resources, are cost effective and yet addresses the guest's needs.

How do Eco-green hotels promote energy conservation?

Eco-green Hotels have implemented some effective energy management program or system to save energy and resources. They not only utilize the non-exhaustible source of energy but also use the exhaustible resources by recycling process, for instance lighting control system, water saving plans and so on. Following are some judicious and effective measures adopted by green hotels in order to conserve energy:-

• By using timers in irrigation and electrical equipment systems for water and energy conservation.
• By the plantation of those plants which consume less water.
• By avoiding the use of artificial light in offices when the natural light is already sufficient.
• By using energy saving fluorescent lamps and lights.
• By switching off appliances and lights in which while not occupied.

• By turning off bathroom's lights and fans if not in use.
• By installing the light sensors to educate and remind office employees about wasted light.
• By using rechargeable batteries for office devices.
• By turning the computers if not in use or by applying the computer's energy saving systems such as hibernate, sleep mode, screen saver etc.
• By arranging office conferences and meeting mostly during the daytime.
• By making sure that the windows and doors are closed if heater or air -conditioner is on.
• By using devices and equipments of higher efficiency.
• By educating the employees to adapt correct procedures of energy uses.

How do Eco-green hotels promote waste management?
Eco-green hotels have implemented a lot of waste management program in order to utilize the waste products by recycling them and eventually saving non-renewable resources. Following are some wonderful steps adopted by the eco-green hotels inorder to save exhaustible resources:-

• By utilizing the recycled papers and soy based inks for stationary.
• By using tap water in pitchers instead of the mineral water bottles.
• By buying or making some inexpensive cloth napkins instead of thousands of paper napkins.
• Creating areas for recycling and sorting trash from the waste within the premises of the hotel.

How do Eco-green hotels recreate the guests?
• Eco-green hotels entertain all the needs and requirement of the guests in lesser expense and hence are cost effective.
• Eco-green hotels provide them an entirely greener lodging which they really appreciate as they know that they are far away from the pollution of the city.
• They get fresh air to breathe and the peace of mind which they hardly find in the hustle and bustle of the city.
• Visitors really admire the idea of environmental conservation as they know that indirectly they are also contributing for a greener world.
• Visitors also get to learn as to how they can conserve the environment in their personal lives.

Thus, we can say that eco-green hotels in the hospitality sector is abiding to all the laws of land and benefiting themselves at the same time. They are not only giving their guest a better and greener place to dwell but also gradually creating a greener environment on earth. On top of that they are saving both exhaustible resources and the non-exhaustible energy.

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