Ecogreen's Articles en-us Our Contribution Towards the Environment We Owe Our Contribution Towards the Environment We Owe No matter what era was that or what time would it be, environment was important and would remain important for human lives on earth till eternity. When man evolved on earth, we had an enriched environment... 28th June 2009 Green Hotels are Indeed the Evergreen Hotels Green hotels are the hotels which are established to recreate and serve the guest by maintaining the ecological balance and causing least harm to the flora and fauna on earth. Moreover, these hotels apply a wide range of different innovative ideas to cons... 12th June 2009 Eco-Green Hotel-A step towards a greener world In an attempt to protect and save the environment and combating environmental hazards, we are ought to take our every step with extreme cautiousness. We should not forget that in our daily walk of life, our every action must be environmentally responsible... 07th June 2009 Environmental hotel: A fight against Global warming We all are well aware about the adverse effect of global warming on the mother Earth and also know that it will continue for centuries if something really appreciable is not applied against it. Not only that global warming and other issues like imbalanced... 05th June 2009 Green Hotels: Conserving energy, managing wastes and recreating guests In this age of super technology wherein the pollution threat is increasing with the scientific development everyday; establishment of Eco-green hotels plays a wonderful role in pacifying its adverse effect on the environment. It recreates and entertains t... 01st June 2009 EcoGreenHotel-A KNOT BETWEEN MAN AND THE ENVIRONMENT Eco-green hotels: Eco-green hotels are those hotels which are meant for recreating and refreshing the visitors and also maintaining the ecological balance and saving the greenery. It is not only advantageous to the man but also the environment. We love... 18th May 2009 EcoGreen Products and Uses There was a time when if the tiles in your household go grimy the house keeper usually get it cleaned by some ammonia or bleach or if a drainage system is slow then the sure-shot solution was some heavy-duty industrial solvents. No doubt, that these clean... 01st May 2009 Green hotel products The green Hospitality has come a long way from the normal thatched-roof bungalows and on-staff naturalists. All the hotels new or old has started taking environmental measures in account. In accordance with it few hotels have decorated few rooms using env... 01st May 2009