Funny Questions About Life - Part 3

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The auto industry, big banks, global warming... these are just some of the things NOT discussed in my latest entry of Funny Questions About Life - Part 3. Truth is, I feel it's my mission to ignore these dubious questions of life and follow my true destiny which means pondering life's unanswerable, yet funny questions. Ready? Let's hit it!

Funny Questions - Group 1
They make bullet proof vests, so why not bullet proof pants?
Why do dollar stores bother to advertise their prices?
If a cow is pampered do they produce spoiled milk?

Funny Questions - Group 2:
How do deer know to cross at the yellow deer crossing sign?
How can a product be advertised as both new and improved?
If all you have in your pocket is loose change does that mean your money is tight?
How can love be so blind but marriage such an eye opener?
Why are small candy bars called, ‘fun size"? Wouldn't it be more fun to eat a large one?
If a man's home is his castle, why is my closet filled with my wife's 70 pair of black high heels?
Is possible for fat people to go skinny dipping?
When sheep rub up against each other, do they produce static cling?

Funny Questions - Group 3:
Pizzas are round, so what's with the square box?
Do woodpeckers ever get migranes?
If feathers tickle people, why don't birds laugh all the time?
If Superman is so darn super, why is he wearing his underwear outside his tights?
What is the purpose of the expiration date on sour cream?
When you call into customer service they say, "This call may be recorded for quality purposes," how come the quality never improves?
Why are there drive up windows for liquor stores when you can't drink and drive?
Are Lipton Tea employees allowed coffee breaks?

Funny Questions - Group 4:
How is it possible for there to be self help groups?
Why are croutons packed in air tight packages? Aren't they just stale bread?
If you're reading while on the toilet does this mean you're multitasking?
Why do drugstores make sick people walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions?

Funny Questions Group 5:
When growing up I always heard that the truth will set you free, so why was I always sent to my room?
How do you know when sour cream has gone bad?
Whose the cruel person that decided nose job surgery should be called rhinoplasty?
How come you have to drive slow and obey traffic signals your whole life, but when you die, they let the cars run through red lights? What's the hurry?

Oh yes, there's a ton more. Most of them rehashed, recycled and ridiculous, but what do you want for free? What's funnier are the people who attempt to seriously answer them. So stay tuned for part 4 as I comb the recesses of my mind... which should take about a minute, and thanks for wasting a few moments of your life with Funny Questions About Life!

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