Author Details


Member Since: 22nd April 2009
No of Articles: 3
About Me:


02nd November 2009

Funny Questions About Life - Part 5!

Funny Questions About Life - Part 5 Here comes Funny Questions About Life - Part 5! I know, it's hard to believe that I could actually come up with even more high quality, pithy, funny questions while maintaining the low standards of writing you've come...

30th June 2009

Funny Questions About Life - Part 3

The auto industry, big banks, global warming... these are just some of the things NOT discussed in my latest entry of Funny Questions About Life - Part 3. Truth is, I feel it's my mission to ignore these dubious questions of life and follow my true desti...

15th June 2009

Funny Questions About Life - Part 2

Back by popular demand, and because if I watch one more reality show I'm going to combust, I bring you, more funny questions about life. Yes, it's time once again to pretend you're working while reading these idiotic, questions that have virtually no pur...