Fundraising Cookbooks Are Successful For Any Type Of Group

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Organizations, churches, schools and clubs of all sorts usually do a fundraiser every so often. They do it to either generate donations for a good cause or charity, or simply to help "pay the bills" for their group. That group could be the Boys/Girls Scouts, a school band, a motorcycle club fundraiser, or just about any organization you can imagine.

A Good Example

I ride a Harley Davidson motorcycle, and I belong to a number of motorcycle groups. (Not to be confused with motorcycle "gangs," which have a very negative connotation.) One in particular revolves around a fellow rider who was involved in a devastating accident many years ago, and is now a quadriplegic and cannot take care of himself at all. He doesn't speak nor communicate, either. For years we have been using fundraising ideas to help pay for Eddie's care that isn't covered by insurance. One fundraiser that was particularly successful was a personalized cookbook. All the members of our group provided various recipes that were eventually massaged into a very nice cookbook. We sold it on-line and made a handsome profit, all of which went to our friend Eddie.

You Can Do It, Too.

If a bunch of "bikers" can raise money with a personalized family cookbook, certainly a church group or other organization can do the same. What makes the family style cookbook such a success is the personal touch it offers. These aren't recipes from some stranger who live across the continent…they are recipes from local people who you actually know. Real people who have real world cooking experience. Wouldn't you just love to have the recipe for the famous chicken casserole from the little old lady who lives down the street from you? Real food. Real cooking.

Too Many Cookbooks?

No sir. Go through the cookbook section of any bookstore and you will see shelf after shelf filled with them. They are, of course, the mass produced cookbooks from large corporations. Not the personalized versions that you and your club can produce. They wouldn't have so many cookbooks available in those chain bookstores if they weren't selling a lot of them.


Many people buy the cookbook simply because it is for a good cause. Frankly, some people may never open up the cookbook, but I suspect a majority do. Humans are a generous species, but they don't just toss their money around, either. Give them a good cause as well as a good product in return for their donation and you will find them digging deep into their pockets for you.

The Process

It isn't a difficult task, as long as you are working with a reputable and competent on-line cookbook publisher. Make sure that the publisher you contact has been in business for a long time. That fact alone indicates that they are a sound company that will do well for you. Make sure that they provide options for your cookbook, like the format, style of graphics, ink and fonts, dividers, and dedication pages. If you can find one that offers a guarantee, that is even better. Believe it or not, there are cookbook publishers who do have a guarantee.

Get started today. Time is wasting.


Andy Barber is a retired police/fire/EMS dispatcher. After a quarter of a century of "stomping the pedal," as he likes to call it, he took an early retirement and became a freelance writer. Currently he is working for Cookbook Publishers, a company that has been helping people and organizations raise money since 1947. When Andy isn't writing, he spends time on his eastern Kansas farm with his wife and the 2 younger of their 3 sons. Andy also has a love for Harley Davidson motorcycles. He regularly criss-crosses the USA on his bike to meet with friends and see this beautiful country. Cookbook Publishers has been helping people with fundraisers for years, so check them out and see what they can do for you.

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