Andy Barber's Articles en-us Photo Magnets For Your Family - Get Them For Free Free photo magnets are out there if you look hard enough. Navigate to any number of websites that list free stuff, and you'll probably find someplace that will provide free magnets with photos on them. To be a truly valuable, though, you would have to be ... 03rd June 2010 Businesses - Recycle Cell Phones, Do The Right Thing, And Save A Few Bucks At The Same Time During these tumultuous economic times, most businesses are concerned about their bottom line more than anything else. That is understandable since businesses are supposed to make a profit so they can do things like pay their employees, for instance. But ... 01st February 2010 Fundraising During A Struggling Economy - Choose The Right Fundraising Idea The economy is struggling, but your fundraiser doesn't have to. By choosing a fundraising idea that doesn't require a lot of labor, overhead or time, you can conduct a successful fundraiser even during a recession. The trick is to find something that ever... 05th January 2010 Use Family Style Cookbooks To Raise Funds For Your School Schools are always in need of a good fundraising idea or fundraising project. They are becoming even more important with today's economy. Budgets are tight and schools are among the departments that feel the financial squeeze. Usually the first things tha... 05th January 2010 Finding The Perfect Fundraising Idea For Schools, Churches, and Organizations Fundraisers for schools and churches are commonplace. You will see them being conducted for charities and similar good causes. Clubs and organizations will do various projects to help raise money for their favorite cause, or to simply help fill their coff... 05th January 2010 Fundraising For Civic Organizations - Family Style Cookbooks Work Well It is common to have a fundraising activity for schools, churches, civic organizations, Scouts, charities and other good causes, but how many of you have thought about conducting a fundraiser that would benefit our Military troops and their families back ... 05th January 2010 Rasing Money For Your School With Family Style Cookbooks - A Great Fundraising Idea Coming up with the best school fundraising idea can be a challenge. There are dozens of methods for generating money for your school band, athletic team, science club, debate team, or booster club. Each type of fundraiser has its merits. Some are better t... 05th January 2010 School Fundraising Ideas - Budgets Are Tight, So You Can Help Make Up The Difference Schools are taking a hit because of the poor economy, but that doesn't mean that the band cannot get new uniforms, or the science and engineering club is unable to go to a competition out of town because the district has no extra funds. We, as parents of ... 05th January 2010 Fundraising For Schools and Churches - Which Idea Is Best? Have your children ever come home with a packet from school for selling candy or popcorn in order to raise funds for an activity or group? I have 3 sons, and each of them have wandered in the door after school and proudly exclaimed that "they" are going t... 05th January 2010 Fundraising Recipe Books - Top Perfoming Fundraising Products Fundraising ideas. There are dozens and dozens of different ways to generate money for your charity, organization, or for any good cause. Whether it is for a school band, your Scout troop, a church event, a civic occasion, or simply to help fill the coffe... 05th January 2010 Fundraising Is Easy With The Proper Fundraising Project Fundraising ideas. Fundraising projects. "Let's get everyone together and we'll sell some stuff and make a lot of money for our charitable cause." It sounds pretty simple, doesn't it? Ah, but there is more to it than that! The difficulty quotient lies som... 05th January 2010 Fundraising Cookbooks - They Have Been Around For Decades and Still Going Strong Fundraising ideas abound. Thank goodness they do, because raising money for good causes, charities and organizations is a large part of being a human being. We, as a species, are naturally generous and giving. Even though we possess that benevolent and co... 05th January 2010 Finding the Best Fundraising Ideas - Family Style Cookbooks Could Be The Answer If you need to know how to successfully raise funds for a charity or organization, you need to do your research. Typically people will consider selling candy door-to-door, or perhaps magazine subscriptions. Maybe it is just me, but I hate it when I see ki... 05th January 2010 Charities and Other Causes Need Good Fundraising Ideas - Here Is One That Works This treatise is being written about a week before Christmas 2009. At 2:00 PM today I am heading to the local Wal-Mart to ring the bell by the familiar red Salvation Army donation bucket. What a wonderful outfit is the Salvation Army. Anyway, it brings me... 05th January 2010 Ideas For Fundraisers - One Possibility Is The Personalized Cookbook As you and your organization try to keep your financial heads above water, you must choose from a number of options. If the club or group to which you belong wants to raise money for a good cause or charity, there are quite a few good fundraising ideas av... 05th January 2010 Fundraising For Your Organization - What Is A Good Project? Fundraising is a very important part of our society. Humans are a naturally generous species, and we rarely hesitate to help out with a good cause of charity. If you look at the entire animal world, you won't find another creature that will voluntarily gi... 05th January 2010 The Best Fundraiser Idea I Can Think Of - Personalized Cookbooks Finding the right fundraising idea for your organization isn't always easy. Many different fundraisers exist, but they are not all "created equal." Obviously, the idea would be to raise as much money as possible with the minimum of effort. Searching the i... 05th January 2010 Fundraising Personalized Cookbooks Become Heirlooms How many different fundraising ideas have you seen or been involved in? Dozens, most likely. One fundraising idea that seems to consistently out perform most of the others is the personalized family cookbook. Unlike car washes in the parking lot, or door-... 01st December 2009 No Need To Go Door-to-Door; Personalized Family Cookbooks Sell Themselves Do you have an organization or group that needs a good fundraising idea? Boy/Girl Scouts, church groups, school bands or sports teams, motorcycle clubs, or anyone who wants a good fundraising idea can benefit from making and selling a family style cookboo... 01st December 2009 Make Fundraising Fun With A Personalized Recipe Book When you think of fundraising ideas, many of you imagine going door-to-door selling magazine subscriptions, over priced candy or popcorn, or perhaps holding chili or pancake feeds. Though the organizers' intents are honorable, their efforts could be more ... 01st December 2009 Raise Money For Your Cause Or Charity With A Personalized Family Cookbook Have you eaten lately? Most likely, you have. If you dined at home, what did you eat? Was it a dish that you prepared, or was it a frozen dinner from the Schwan man? Assuming it was something made in your own kitchen, you probably had a recipe…whe... 01st December 2009 Don't Sell Candy Door-to-Door; Sell A Fundraising Cookbook Instead Ever since man has been on the earth, there have been groups of individuals who have gone out of their way to help others. I suppose that even cavemen had a generous streak in them. "Say Org…Thag's cave has no decent rocks in it. Do you think we should ... 01st December 2009 Host A Better Fundraiser - Make A Personalized Recipe Book Some fundraising ideas are better than others, of course. Many require hard, laborious hours of work, like car washes and pancake feeds. Others force you to send your children to go door-to-door selling candy or popcorn. (Personally, I wouldn't let my chi... 01st December 2009 Fundraising Cookbooks Are Successful For Any Type Of Group Organizations, churches, schools and clubs of all sorts usually do a fundraiser every so often. They do it to either generate donations for a good cause or charity, or simply to help "pay the bills" for their group. That group could be the Boys/Girls Scou... 30th November 2009 What Is A Family Style Cookbook? A Profitable Fundraiser! Our economy is in turmoil, but that doesn't mean that your favorite cause or organization needs to suffer from a lack of charitable giving. If you offer a valuable product to potential contributors, you will find that they are still willing to give genero... 30th November 2009 Pick A Proven Fundraising Idea - Personalized Family Style Cookbooks Do not "test the water" when it comes to your fundraising projects by dabbling with candy sales or car washes to see if they work. Instead, I suggest you opt for a proven fundraising idea that has been around for literally generations, and that is the per... 30th November 2009 One Of The Best Fundraising Ideas Is The Personalized Cook Book One of the best fundraising ideas available is the personalized family recipe book. They have been helping organizations and charities for decades. One cookbook publisher of which I know has been in business since 1947. Do a Google search and find out you... 30th November 2009 What Is A Good Fundraising Idea? A Personalized Recipe Book! The economy is in turmoil. People are being more cautious with their spending. Charities and non-profit organizations are now competing for fewer dollars. Therefore, when you are trying to decide which fundraising idea will be the most successful, you hav... 30th November 2009 Business Managers - Recover Wasteful Spending With Telecom Expense Management There are two basic categories for saving money on your company's expenditure for communications. Telecom Expense Management, which deals with wireline equipment and services, as well as wireless. It is also abbreviated as TEM. Wireless Expense Mana... 11th November 2009 Let The World Know Of You Quinceanera Celebration Your Quinceanera celebration is nearing. You want all your friends and relatives to be able to celebrate this wonderful time in your life, don't you? Obviously you will be sending invitations to them all, but what if they have made plans for a vacation or... 09th November 2009 Easy Fundraising Project Is A Family Style Cookbook To create a family style cookbook is an easy fundraising project. Seriously. There is always a certain amount of organization involved, but it is not difficult, and the results can be fabulous. One reason that fundraisers use personalized cookbooks is bec... 30th October 2009 Fundraising Idea For Over 50 Years - Personalized Cookbooks Over 50 years! That's pretty impressive. Yes, the fundraising idea of selling family style cookbooks has been a successful endeavor since 1947. (Simply do a search for "fundraising cookbooks 1947" if you want to see for yourself.) If an industry designed... 30th October 2009 Successful Fundraising Opportunity Is The Personalized Family Cookbook Of the many successful fundraising activities available today, the personalized family cookbook has been one of the favorites for many organizations and charities. Some clubs offer carwashes in local parking lots, while others go door-to-door selling can... 30th October 2009 Profitable Fundraiser Is The Personalized Cookbook It had been many years since I was involved in a fundraiser of any type. While in college we did a few car washes in the parking lot of a local grocery store. A few bucks were collected, but it wasn't as profitable as we would have liked. Still we had fun... 30th October 2009 Fundraising Is A Serious Matter - Made Easy With A Personalized Cookbook Fundraising is a serious matter, but it does not need to be an endeavor that takes up a much time and effort as, oh…as building a space shuttle. Projects like car washes in the parking lot of a local grocery store, or chili/pancake feeds require lots o... 30th October 2009 Personalized Cookbooks Are A Solid And Proven Fundraiser For decades, a solid and proven method of fundraising has been the family style personalized cookbook. Human beings are a generous species, and they enjoy helping others when they can. If you ask them for a donation, they'll probably cough up a few bucks... 30th October 2009 The Personalized Family Cookbook Is A Marketable Fundraiser Eating is good. It has always been a tradition in my house. We seem to eat several times a day, every day of the week. Yes, I'm being silly…but I did so in order to make a point about fundraising. But Seriously, Folks The idea behind a fundraiser ... 30th October 2009 Fundraising is Easy With A Personalized Family Cookbook Easy fundraising? Yes, it is possible to generate funds for your organization or charity without hours and hours of work or door-to-door selling. There will always be a certain amount of that, but if you could find a way to have a fundraiser that was enjo... 30th October 2009