Free Power for Anyone – DIY Magnetic Generator

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Have you ever looked at your energy bills and wanted to find a way to get your energy for free? With energy costs going up, government regulations promising for higher energy costs, and your ever shrinking budgets - what are your options?

There are ever growing options out there to conserve and produce your own energy - but are do they really offer the savings or payout that they are promising?

One of the mainstream energy savings ideas is the replacement of all your incandescence light bulbs with fluorescent light bulbs or now the new LED light bulbs. These alternative light bulbs are definitely energy saving options, but do they save you money? These options do save on energy usage, but lights within a common house are a very minimal usage of power within your house - less than 2% of the energy usage. These light bulbs would have to last for decades to overcome their costs which are 3 to 4 times the cost of the incandescence bulbs.

Another mainstream energy savings idea is to buy Energy Star appliances within your house. This is a definite option as these newer appliance use considerably less power than appliances even made 5 years ago. But then again we have the costs of these appliances overcoming the savings that they possess. Yes , these appliances account for the majority of the energy costs within your house, but their costs to replace are great. Unless you are in the market to replace an appliance, I could never justify going out and replacing all my appliances which can cost over $10,000 to save a couple hundred dollars a year…

Since we are having issues finding way of finding efficient ways of saving enough energy to really save your pocket, let's look at ways that you may be able to create your own energy.

First way most think of creating their own energy is Solar. Solar is a good unlimited Green Energy source. Basically it uses cells to take the light produced from the sun into electricity. Although Solar power is touted as a great source of Green Energy, it does present many obstacles. The first and largest obstacle is their costs. If your estimates on an installed solar system are comparable to mine, it will cost your well over $20,000. Even with this solar panel system, it was determined that it would take over 10 years to make back the costs of the panels, and they would cover almost my entire roof which my home owners association would not approve.

So what are we to do, we want to be Green - we also want to save money! There is an invention that has been built that could be the answer that we are all looking for. With a couple hundred dollars, common household tools and a little handiness - you can build your own magnetic generator that puts out more energy that it consumes to run. Can this be true? I have been reviewing many articles and news postings from many countries concerning this invention, and they have sold thousands of copies of their plans a day with a 60 day money back guarantee - So I say what is the risk? It is definitely the most promising option that I have found with limited costs, best production of energy, and a guarantee

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