Fast Acne Solutions

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I'm sure like me it has happened way too often for you as well. When I am getting ready for a big even….then I feel it. A sore area on my skin. I think and hope that the next day it will be gone but once the big day arrives to my dismay, I wake up and it's even bigger than it was the prior day. I start scrambling to think of any way to get rid of this huge pimple on my face within the next 5-6 hours so my face will look its best for my upcoming date.

First of all, any time you are getting ready for a big even acne can turn it into a stressful situation. Your face has just turned into a zits a breeding ground. So the greatest way that I've learned to how to get rid of acne fast was to take the biggest challenge…drinking only water! Drink only water, and don't drink soda! Soda aggravates, and can actually hinder your acne problems. Drinking only water will not only aid in clearing up your skin, it also helps in hydration! Consume as much water as you can.

To keep from getting tired of water, try adding flavor to your water! I love lemon juice, but have used strawberries and raspberries in the past to give it a punch of flavor! You can even mix the fruit for different a different taste! A few other ideas are oranges, limes, and even cherries in your water!

Next it's time to bring in the big guns. Unfortunately drinking water alone will not get rid of acne but it is a good first step. Drinking plenty of water is building a good foundation to stop acne. Something else that will help with acne is using ClearPores acne fighting system. ClearPores is the #1 acne fighting system available. It adjusts to your skin type and provides the best acne killing power available.

Using ClearPores did not make my acne problem go away that day before my big date but by the following day it was dramatically smaller than the day before and barely noticeable. If I had used ClearPores when I first noticed the pimple the day before it probably would have been completely gone in time for my big date.

After using ClearPores for a few weeks my skin feels more refreshed and rejuvenated than ever before.

Hopefully you will try ClearPores for yourself and see the wonders it can work for you and your acne problems. Get that clear skin you have always wanted just in time for summer. The best thing about ClearPores is it comes with a 6 month money back guarantee. With a deal like that what do you have to lose.

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