Dr. Jeff Stanley's Articles http://www.articleheaven.net en-us editorial@articlealley.com Skin Care, Man Edition When we talk about skin problems guys skin care would seem like a foreign topic to some men. It would have been even more foreign a few years back. However, more and more men are finding out the importance of skin care(notice the explosion of men skin c... http://www.articleheaven.net/skin-care-man-edition-1670836.html 30th July 2010 3 Tips You Must Know To Get Rid Of Chest Acne I know there are a lot of acne suffers out there who want to find out what the best acne treatment is for their type of skin. Acne can be very embarrassing and sometimes even painful. So, how should you deal with this problem? Is there any guaranteed meth... http://www.articleheaven.net/3-tips-you-must-know-to-get-rid-of-chest-acne-1668464.html 27th July 2010 How To Get Smooth Skin – Great Methods For Daily Skin Care Before getting any product and you want to get rid of your acne you must know a few things. One of the most important things is to know how to clean your skin. Our skin is protecting us 24 hours a day to keep infections out. Our skin is our first line o... http://www.articleheaven.net/how-to-get-smooth-skin--great-methods-for-daily-skin-care-1668457.html 27th July 2010 Fast Acne Solutions I'm sure like me it has happened way too often for you as well. When I am getting ready for a big even….then I feel it. A sore area on my skin. I think and hope that the next day it will be gone but once the big day arrives to my dismay, I wake up a... http://www.articleheaven.net/fast-acne-solutions-1618913.html 24th June 2010