Facts about Moulage

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Moulage is a makeup technique that is used to create simulations of real injuries. This is used for emergency response teams to practice for disaster scenes. The moulage makeup and accompanying acting can help desensitize these teams so that when they are in a real-life traumatic scenario, they will be able to handle it calmly and efficiently. Here are only some of the different types of moulage makeup:
Vomit is one of the easiest things to simulate for a moulage scenario. All you really need is watered-down oatmeal, and that will usually do the trick. To make it even more realistic, moulage artists will add bits of real food, such as peas and corn.
Blood is probably the most commonly simulated makeup used in moulage. There are different ways to create fake blood, depending on how thick you want it to appear. For instance, if you want a nice thin blood, you should go for simple liquid laundry starch and some red food dye. For blood that's a little thicker, you should use a 16 oz bottle of corn starch, and add 2 teaspoons of red food coloring, as well as 16 drops each of blue and yellow. This version needs to be used rather quickly, because it can start to mold.
Skin is a little trickier to simulate. Commonly, you need 2 13 oz jars of petroleum jelly (generic should work fine), 3 16 oz boxes of cornstarch and a couple tablespoons of cocoa powder. Mix all them all together in a big bowl; you can start with a spoon, but eventually you will need your hands to knead everything together—best to wear gloves during this part!
These are only some of the things that moulage artists create and apply on the "victims" to make a simulated disaster scenario more realistic. If you are look for a moulage artist for your next EMS or ERT training, make sure you find one with plenty of experience. Also, one with a background in acting or theater might also be helpful, as often these "victims" have to actually act, and not only appear, injured.

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Source: http://www.articleheaven.net/facts-about-moulage-1244462.html

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